Pancake day is here again! (by the way, for anyone asking “When is Pancake Day,” it’s Tuesday 13 Feb)

And not to be terribly vain, but what’s the point in cooking up a batch of delicious, fluffy pancakes if you can’t make all your friends and followers lose their mind at the sight of your lovingly crafted pancake pics?

We’ve pulled together three simple ways to take your Pancake Day social media efforts to the next level.


Perfect your pancake recipe

Okay, so first things first, you need to get your pancakes looking and tasting their absolute best, otherwise what’s the point, right?

There’s a few different schools of thought on pancakes, but for our money, the best pancakes come down to a nice balance between sweet and salty, between fat little cakes and wafer-thin crepes. And for that, the best recipe we’ve found is Felicity Cloake for the Guardian. Plus, you get a nice little pancakes history lesson, to boot.


Make your photos pop

Phone cameras have come a long, long way in the past few years. These days, it’s easy to take a few quick snaps, fire them off to your followers, and forget all about them. But taking just a little bit more time and effort can really make your pics stand stacks above the rest (pun intended). From props to lighting, backgrounds to your choice of angles, it all adds up. Thankfully, it’s easily done, and there’s plenty of tips online for how to do it.


Share, far and wide

Now you’ve cooked your beautiful, tasty pancakes, and you’ve taken a snap worthy of hanging in the Louvre, all that’s left is to make sure as many people see it as possible. And for that, you’re gonna need to get hashtagging.

There’s plenty of tools out there to help you find the most effective hashtags to get your pics out to as many people as possible (one good example is Hashtagify). Just search for your topic (this one of course being “pancakes”), and you can find all the most popular related hashtags. Then just add ‘em to your picture, hit post, and send your beautiful new snaps out to the world.

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Source: Three Mobile Hub