Dust off your old green top hat and get ready to practice your dodgy Irish accent again, for St Patrick’s day is almost here! Well, it might be more accurate to say that it’s everywhere again, since St Patrick’s Day is one of the most widely celebrated festivals all over the world.
We decided to take a look at how the greenest of festivities is celebrated in five different cities around the globe. By the way, if you fancy visiting any of these spots to enjoy the celebrations, you can use all your data, minutes and texts just like at home, with (you guessed it) Feel At Home. Just make sure you’ve got plenty of memory freed up for festival pics.

Let’s kick things off with the most obvious destination – Dublin. Arguably the most famous (or infamous) St Patrick’s day destination, Dublin’s is only one of a great many different celebration parades taking place all over Ireland, but it’s definitely the biggest. If you’re planning to commit yourself to the celebrations with everything you’ve got, then Temple Bar is the spot for you. If you want to celebrate a little more quietly, then you’re best of heading a little further out of the city – it tends to be slightly busy in the city centre…
New York

With almost 13% of its population claiming some form of Irish ancestry, New York is one of a number of spots in the US that the Irish call a home from home. And that’s reflected in the celebrations – with thousands of revellers swarming in and out of over two hundred Irish bars and restaurants around the city, you’ll never be far from a fellow reveller willing to share a toast to the old country.

It might not have the traditional chilly weather we associate with St Patrick’s Day, but Sydney boasts an impressive annual celebration all the same. Much like New York, Sydney has a pretty big Irish and Irish-descent population, and that’s reflected in the city’s full-weekend party atmosphere surrounding the 17th. The parade traditionally takes place on a Sunday, but expect to see plenty of folk getting into the, ah, “festive” frame of mind from early on Friday.

A much newer addition to the parade roster, the St Patrick’s day parade in Munich first took place as recently as 1996. But in a relatively short period of time it’s grown to become one of the biggest parades in Europe, with as many as 20,000 attendants celebrating in a uniquely Bavarian-Irish way.

“Canada?” I hear you ask. “Montreal? Isn’t their official language French?” And yes, yes it is. But it just so happens that Montreal has been celebrating St Patrick’s Day in some form or other since all the way back in 1759, and there’s been a parade every single year since 1824, making it the longest-running St Patrick’s Day parade in Canada, and one of the longest-running in North America. So they know a little bit about what they’re doing…
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Source: Three Mobile Hub