We’ve made it through that dark, cold winter and there’s finally light at the end of the tunnel! The clocks are going to spring forward, bringing with them longer days and promises of marginally warmer weather.

If you’re struggling for ideas on how to make the most of the longer days, here’s our top tips, as well as a bit of insight into the whole Daylight Saving Time phenomenon.

What is Daylight Saving Time?

Daylight Saving is when the clocks go forward an hour on the last Sunday of March, making our summer days longer. It gets dark later too, meaning you can enjoy more of the day before the sun sets. We know what you’re thinking, losing an hour that could be spent tucked up in bed can’t be a good thing right? Wrong! By starting your day earlier, you’ve got more time to get stuff done.

Why do we have Daylight Saving?

Back in 1907, an English builder by the name of William Willett published a leaflet called “The Waste of Daylight” where he campaigned for the clocks to be moved forwards so that more people could enjoy the daylight hours.

Daylight Saving Time wasn’t taken seriously until 30 April 1916, when Germany started using it to save on electricity. We followed suit here in the UK just a few weeks later.

When does Daylight Saving Time start?

The clocks go forward at 1am on Sunday 25 March and don’t go back until 2am on Sunday 28 October. Most smartphones will update the time automatically for you, so you won’t need to worry about sleeping in on Monday morning but if you want to double check, you can find everything you need in our device support  pages.

Remember to manually change any physical clocks you’ve got at home too!

Learn something new

Maybe you’ve always wanted to try your hand at something new, but just haven’t had the time. That’s when Daylight Saving Time comes in handy. The longer days mean that you’ve got more time to try out a different sport, learn a craft or use an app on your phone like Duolingo to give a new language a go.

Have some ‘me time’

Everyone needs a bit of ‘me time’ now and then. It’s good for the mind, body and soul, so why not do something that’s just for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re chasing your worries away on the treadmill, meditating and getting into a relaxed Headspace or even doing some people-watching with a cup of coffee in hand, just take some time to do what makes you happy.

Catch up with friends

Why not go for that coffee and catch up that you and your friend have been talking about? Or pull the BBQ out of the garden shed and get everyone round for burgers and beer? If you need the perfect playlist to complete your BBQ, try one of our favourites.


If none of those ideas float your boat, then put the longer days to use and get some good ol’ binge watching done. From firm favourites like Friends (all 10 seasons are now on Netflix, in case you hadn’t already heard…) to new classics like Peaky Blinders, there’s something for everyone. Not only that, with Go Binge, you can watch as many episodes as you like without using any of your data allowance! Check out our SIM Only deals to take full advantage of Go Binge.

The post So, what’s the deal with Daylight Saving Time anyway? appeared first on Hub.

Source: Three Mobile Hub