Summer’s here, and that means showing off to anyone stuck inside with sun, sea and selfies. Meet The Makers: The team behind Xperia XA2 Ultra’s Dual Selfie Camera

We’re all guilty of snapping a few shots of ourselves on the beach or with our back turned to a gig to show we were really there – and the good news is, with your Xperia XA2 Ultra’s Dual Selfie Camera – you’re going to look your best. But why is that? It’s groundbreaking Sony innovation, that’s why.

We wanted to understand more about the Dual Selfie Camera so we went straight to the source, namely, Kensuke Mashita, a 15 year Sony veteran and Senior Manager, Camera Technology Marketing.

So, Kensuke-san what is the Dual Selfie Camera?

The Dual Selfie Camera essentially offers a wider range of coverage for selfie photography. With a DSLR you can change the lens according to your needs, but with a smartphone camera, it’s not quite so easy – so we introduced two different lenses with varied specs into one smartphone for different selfie scenes.

Meet The Makers: The team behind Xperia XA2 Ultra’s Dual Selfie CameraWhat’s the benefit of the individual lenses?
The Dual Selfie Camera offers the standard 80 degree lens for close ups, alongside a super wide 120 degree lens for wider images, giving you the best of both worlds. An added benefit is, with the wider lens, there’s no need for a selfie stick, even if you’re trying to fit a bunch of friends into frame. And then of course, you’ve got the benefit of the rear camera for great portrait pictures due to its high resolution and ISO even in low light conditions

What has changed that allows you to fit this technology into a smartphone?
Put simply, our lens design technology has improved. A wider FOV (Field of View) lens would normally create distortion but the lens design of the 120 degree camera for XA2 Ultra was designed to reduce such warping, for example even if someone is near the corner of the frame, the distortion is limited.

Where did the idea for a Dual Selfie Camera come from?
Feedback from Xperia users proved to us there was interest, and then technical analysis between DSLR and smartphone capability determined it was feasible!

How do you test it? Did you need to take a lot of selfies?
Ha ha. Of course, we had to! We field tested by taking selfies in a number of different locations and scenes, with various people and in varied conditions. We took a couple in the lab too… just to be sure.

Do you have any tips for taking better selfies?
My advice would be, use the 16MP lens for single selfies, including low light scenes, and avoid using the flash. Use the 8MP super-wide angle lens for group selfies and landscape scenes.

What are you working on next?
I can’t say too much, but selfie enabled AI may be on it’s way. We’re developing the next generation camera experience – it’s exciting stuff.

So there you have it. If you’re taking selfies this summer, remember Kensuke-san’s tips and try not to break the internet.

The post Meet The Makers: The team behind Xperia XA2 Ultra’s Dual Selfie Camera appeared first on Sony Xperia Blog.

Source: Sony Mobile Blog