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IoT is open for global business: don’t let lack of infrastructure stop you

According to recent market research from Berg Insight, cellular IoT connections have increased by 56% in 2017 to reach 640M globally.* This is further projected to grow at CAGR of 33% until 2022. China alone has seen 150M net additions and almost 100% yearly growth in 2017.

This represents a significant incremental opportunity for operators and many have already taken steps to capture market share with dedicated IoT departments, infrastructure and service centers. When you consider the further revenue potential associated with applications and vertical solutions, this represents a real opportunity for operators to further diversify their business and strengthen customer relationships.

The IoT is a global play, however, and few operators are able to bring a truly global value proposition to market on their own. Vertical markets such as transportation, manufacturing, and logistics rely on a range of connectivity options and devices that are constantly on the move across geographies or being manufactured centrally and distributed globally.

IoT traffic does not have to go back to its home core

So how can operators serve that need? Is there a way to provide seamless multi-technology, multi-geography IoT connectivity – without IoT traffic having to go back to its home core?

Yes there is. The missing link has been this ability to offer a fully integrated global IoT infrastructure- or what we call WING – a Worldwide IoT Network Grid. We launched the Nokia WING Solution as a Service last year so that operators can more easily  address a broad range of IoT opportunities spanning from SMEs to Large Enterprises with one single global solution.

Nokia WING covers every aspect of the connectivity solution apart from the access network (as the access network is already an operator’s key asset), enabling clients to hit the ground running and your enterprise customers be more productive more quickly.

This really is about driving real change on a global scale, not just incremental value. Picture a farmer who knows when best to fertilize crops thanks to a myriad of smart sensors, or a logistics company that never misplaces a load. From connected cars to smart medical devices, the use cases (and impact) are truly significant.

Here’s how it works: Nokia provides the fully virtualized global core network and IoT platform that helps with enterprise onboarding, troubleshooting and billing, and a global IoT Command Center that manages all of the complex tasks needed to keep your IoT service operations up and running.  From an OPEX perspective, it’s very attractive  – particularly since any of our growing roster of partners can potentially generate incremental revenues for your network.

Going global in IoT: more than just a permanent roaming solution

Even if you have already invested in the IoT, we encourage you to think global. We don’t mean offering a global proposition based on a permanent roaming solution (where quality control can suffer and costs can rise fast), but rather a global solution with local characteristics. Being regulatory compliant in all markets while assuring quality control, SIM management, reporting transparency, billing, and low latency to keep your enterprise customers happy.

To learn more about how Nokia WING can expand your IoT play and how you can benefit from inbound revenues from other mobile operators who are already part of the WING network, click here.

Up for GLOMO Award

This just in: Our Nokia WING has been nominated for a Global Mobile Award for the 2018 Mobile World Congress in the “Best Mobile Network Infrastructure”.

*The Global M2M/IoT Communications Market. M2M Research Series 2018 by

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IoT is open for global business: don’t let lack of infrastructure stop you

IoT is open for global business: don’t let lack of infrastructure stop you

Source: Nokia Networks