HellasQCI and Nokia lead way to the future of Quantum-Safe Networks

Together with HellasQCI, the Greek National Quantum Communication Infrastructure Consortium, Nokia successfully demonstrated hybrid key generation using both classic and quantum physics to generate and distribute Quantum-Safe keys for encrypted optical services.

The goal of the trial was to run use cases with the HellasQCI consortium members from government, research and education, defense, law enforcement and private sector critical infrastructure owners to ensure Quantum-Safe connectivity infrastructure. The tests connected three nodes in GRNET’s Data Center, the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) Network Operations Center (NOC), and the NKUA Department of Informatics and Telecommunications (DIT), Optics Communications and Photonic Technology Laboratory (OPTCOMMS-PTL). The successful proof of concept helps to ensure a safe quantum computing future for all.

The HellasQCI consortium consists of 14 public organizations and private corporations, and is led by GRNET as project coordinator and NKUA as its technical coordinator. GRNET operates under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance, providing networking, cloud computing, high-performance computing, and e-Infrastructures. It connects more than 150 organizations across 50 cities and serves hundreds of thousands of users daily in public administration, education, research, health and culture.
Learn more about Nokia Quantum-Safe Network technologies here.

To learn more, visit: https://www.nokia.com/industries/quantum-safe-networks/

Source: Nokia YouTube