The nation waits with baited breath as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge prepare for the birth of Royal baby number 3. Kensington Palace have revealed that it’s due to be born at St. Mary’s Hospital in London, just like his/her brother, Prince George and sister, Princess Charlotte. But when is the Royal baby due? We know it’s anticipated in April, but we don’t have an official date. Could it make an appearance on Wills and Kate’s wedding anniversary on 29th April?

And as well as the Royal baby due date, there’s other stuff that’s keeping the nation guessing. Will it be a pink one or a blue one? And what will the royal lovebirds call it? We can pretty much bank on the fact that Ethan, Logan and Jaxon; Lola, Harper or Zoe won’t be on the cards. Let’s face it, when you’re second in line to the throne you need a robust Royal baby names that comes steeped in history. But all will be revealed soon enough. In the meantime…

Here are some app-tastic tips for new mums and dads…

The new Royal baby might be a very special occasion that gets a great deal of attention, but all babies are a gift and every single parent out there deserves a crown. So, in the name of helping mums and dads everywhere (and Wills and Kate too, if one would care to read the Hub) we thought we’d take a look at all the apps that can make parenting a little easier. But instead of recommending the apps ourselves, we’ve asked awesome mum and dad bloggers which apps they couldn’t be without just before or after the birth of their little treasure. If you’re in search for sites regarding baby foods, look for ones that also inform you about baby led weaning.
Jessica Harvey of recommends: Kids Tube
“Ava loves to watch videos and I prefer her to watch it on Kids Tube because 9 out of 10 of the videos are exactly what they say they are.”
Frances Taylor of recommends: Babycentre
“I had the Babycentre app; I used it to connect with other mums expecting babies the same age when I was pregnant and some of us are still friends – five years later! It was great to reassure me when my baby was born (and had colic, reflux, etc.) that other mums were going through something similar and get advice!”
Lucy Cotterill of recommends: Wonder Weeks
“I found the Wonder Weeks app massively helpful, especially during those early baby days. Explaining those seemingly irrational behaviours and restless nights with science and learning about the developmental ‘leaps’ your baby goes through helped reassure that it wasn’t just me and my baby who were going through challenging phases!”
Erica Knight of recommends: Wonder Weeks
“There are so many! The Wonder Weeks is good if you want to make yourself feel better about why your baby isn’t settling, etc. but for children – even babies – apps like Fisher Price Animals, CBeebies and so on, keep them entertained and are educational, so you can have 5 minutes’ peace.”
Andy Mackay of recommends: CBeebies
“Maybe one for when kids are a bit older, but the CBeebies Storytime and Playtime Island apps are great. No in-app purchases, and loads of games to install.”
Laura Costello of recommends: Famcal Famcal!
“It’s awesome. It’s a calendar but you can add multiple people and you can all see each other. Great for organising childcare and such. (I know it’s a bit of a boring one but I use it literally every day).”
Lauren Gee of recommends: BabyTime
“I’m an antenatal teacher and one of the apps parents always tell me they love is BabyTime, which lets you record everything your baby is doing so you can check if they’re feeding, sleeping, and filling nappies as often as you’d expect. And you can get it all set out in handy graphical form too, which is great for working out the patterns your baby naturally falls into.”
Lisa Cowan of recommends: YouTube
“Honestly one of the best apps I’ll ever have is YouTube. It’s saved me in all sorts of situations. White noise? Check. Nursery rhymes? Check. The latest cartoon fad during a long drive? Check. I just always make a playlist of stuff I know is safe and lock my phone!”
Tammy Knowles of recommends: Netflix / iPlayer
“For me it was Netflix, iPlayer, etc. for the first few months because my son didn’t sleep at all unless he was feeding (breastfed) and I was terrified of falling asleep while he was on me. So I binge-watched shows to stay awake.”
Mandy Charlton of recommends: Sound Sleeper
“There’s an app called Sound Sleeper which is white noise, not only for newborns but also toddlers and even adults. Although there was no such thing as apps when my babies were born, this has proved a life saver in my job as a professional photographer. It’s a completely free app and there are lots of white noise options. A total Godsend for new parents.”

So, there we have it. If you don’t have an army of childcare professionals like Wills and Kate, don’t forget that Netflix Kids is a great way to keep your little ones busy. And for an added cost-saver we’re offering you 12 months’ Netflix on us with the Samsung S8, S8+, Note 8, S9 or S9+. Think of all those nappies you can treat yourself too with the money you save…

The post Get ready to welcome the new Royal baby. appeared first on Hub.

Source: Three Mobile Hub