Better Health Campaign

We’re proud to support Public Health England’s Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign to protect the nation’s mental wellbeing.

In a survey by Public Health England, half of adults said they felt that the pandemic had impacted negatively on their mental health and wellbeing. 46% have experienced more anxiety or low mood, and 34% have had more sleep problems. Plus, 51% of young people aged 18-34 reported that Coronavirus had caused them more stress, and 43% felt more lonely. However, a massive 75% reported that they’re planning to, or have taken steps to look after their mental wellbeing.

Although restrictions will soon be starting to ease, it could be a while before our pre-pandemic lives will return. If you’ve been struggling with your mental health, here are some simple things you can do and extra resources which may help.

Tips for dealing with uncertainty

  • Focus on the short term – If we look far into the future, it can often seem overwhelming. Instead focus on each day and the simple things that you can change right now.
  • Acknowledge what’s working – Even if there are many things not going to plan or up in the air, try to focus on what is going right. Whether it’s a close relationship, a favourite meal, a sunny day or a song that you love.
  • Reframe your thoughts – During difficult times, it can be easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and feelings. For many people, feeling uneasy is a normal reaction to the uncertainty of everyday life. But if you take a step back and examine the evidence, then you may find new thoughts or positive ways of looking at things appear.
  • Find a new rhythm – Keep up routine and structure in your day. This can be a powerful way to boost feelings of consistency and reduce anxiety or doubt. Build in time to de-stress and wind down each day. Choose positive activities like exercise, relaxation, hobbies, chatting with friends or spending quality time with close ones. And get into a good pattern with sleeping too.


You can use the free NHS Every Mind Matters action plan to start feeling better on the inside today. Just answer 5 quick questions and you’ll get your own personalised plan. It’ll be filled with practical tips to help you manage stress and anxiety, boost your mood or enjoy a more restful sleep.

Additional help for parents

The Better Health – Every Mind Matters website also has a range of great info for parents. Discover more ways to support children and young people’s mental health, with some back to school tips. Plus, there’s a section for looking after your own mental health as a parent or carer.

Look after your mind and your body

The pandemic has caused many of us to feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, lonely or frustrated. But it’s Ok to feel this way and for many of us, these emotions will pass. Taking good care of your mind, as well as your body is really important during this time. Check out the Every Mind Matters website for expert tips and guidance on all aspects of mental health and wellbeing.

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Source: Three Mobile Hub