Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 17738 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 17738 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area.

The Preview SDK can be downloaded from developer section on Windows Insider.

For feedback and updates to the known issues, please see the developer forum. For new developer feature requests, head over to our Windows Platform UserVoice.

Things to note:

  • This build works in conjunction with previously released SDKs and Visual Studio 2017. You can install this SDK and still also continue to submit your apps that target Windows 10 build 1803 or earlier to the store.
  • The Windows SDK will now formally only be supported by Visual Studio 2017 and greater. You can download the Visual Studio 2017 here.
  • This build of the Windows SDK will only install on Windows 10 Insider Preview builds.
  • In order to assist with script access to the SDK, the ISO will also be able to be accessed through the following URL: once the static URL is published.

C++/WinRT Update for build 17709 and beyond:

This update introduces many improvements and fixes for C++/WinRT. Notably, it introduces the ability to build C++/WinRT without any dependency on the Windows SDK. This isn’t particularly interesting to the OS developer, but even in the OS repo it provides benefits because it does not itself include any Windows headers. Thus, a developer will typically pull in fewer or no dependencies inadvertently. This also means a dramatic reduction in the number of macros that a C++/WinRT developer must guard against. Removing the dependency on the Windows headers means that C++/WinRT is more portable and standards compliant and furthers our efforts to make it a cross-compiler and cross-platform library. It also means that the C++/WinRT headers will never be mangled by macros. If you previously relied on C++/WinRT to include various Windows headers that you will now have to include them yourself. It has always been good practice to always include any headers you depend on explicitly and not rely on another library to include them for you.


Support get_strong and get_weak to create delegates: This update allows a developer to use either get_strong or get_weak instead of a raw this pointer when creating a delegate pointing to a member function.

Add async cancellation callback: The most frequently requested feature for C++/WinRT’s coroutine support has been the addition of a cancellation callback.

Simplify the use of APIs expecting IBuffer parameters: Although most APIs prefer collections or arrays, enough APIs rely on IBuffer that it should be easier to use such APIs from C++. This update provides direct access to the data behind an IBuffer implementation using the same data naming convention used by the C++ standard library containers. This also avoids colliding with metadata names that conventionally begin with an uppercase letter.

Conformance: Improved support for Clang and Visual C++’s stricter conformance modes.

Improved code gen: Various improvements to reduce code size, improve inlining, and optimize factory caching.

Remove unnecessary recursion: When the command line refers to a folder rather than a specific winmd, cppwinrt will no longer search recursively for winmd files. It causes performance problems in the OS build and can lead to usage errors that are hard to diagnose when developers inadvertently cause cppwinrt to consume more winmds than expected. The cppwinrt compiler also now handles duplicates more intelligently, making it more resilient to user error and poorly-formed winmd files.

Declare both WINRT_CanUnloadNow and WINRT_GetActivationFactory in base.h: Callers don’t need to declare them directly. Their signatures have also changed, amounting to a breaking change. The declarations alleviate most of the pain of this change. The change is necessitated by the fact that C++/WinRT no longer depends on the Windows headers and this change removes the dependency on the types from the Windows headers.

Harden smart pointers: The event revokers didn’t revoke when move-assigned a new value. This lead me to take a closer look at the smart pointer classes and I noticed that they were not reliably handling self-assignment. This is rooted in the com_ptr class template that most of the others rely on. I fixed com_ptr and updated the event revokers to handle move semantics correctly to ensure that they revoke upon assignment. The handle class template has also been hardened by the removal of the implicit constructor that made it easy to write incorrect code. This also turned bugs in the OS into compiler errors fixed in this PR.

Breaking Changes

Support for non-WinRT interfaces is disabled by default. To enable, simply #include before any C++/WinRT headers.

winrt::get_abi(winrt::hstring) now returns void* instead of HSTRING. Code requiring the HSTRING ABI can simply use a static_cast.

winrt::put_abi(winrt::hstring) returns void** instead of HSTRING*. Code requiring the HSTRING ABI can simply use a reinterpret_cast.

HRESULT is now projected as winrt::hresult. Code requiring an HRESULT can simply static_cast if you need to do type checking or support type traits, but it is otherwise convertible as long as is included first.

GUID is now projected as winrt::guid. Code implementing APIs with GUID parameters must use winrt::guid instead, but it is otherwise convertible as long as is included first.

The signatures of WINRT_CanUnloadNow and WINRT_GetActivationFactory has changed. Code must not declare these functions at all and instead include winrt/base.h to include their declarations.

The winrt::handle constructor is now explicit. Code assigning a raw handle value must call the attach method instead.

winrt::clock::from_FILETIME has been deprecated. Code should use winrt::clock::from_file_time instead.

What’s New:

MSIX Support

It’s finally here! You can now package your applications as MSIX. These applications can be installed and run on any device with 17682 build or later.

To package your application with MSIX, use the MakeAppx tool. To install the application – just click on the MSIX file. To understand more about MSIX, watch this introductory video: link

Feedback and comments are welcome on our MSIX community:

MSIX is not currently supported by the App Certification Kit nor the Microsoft Store at this time.


We’ve made some important changes to the C/C++ ETW code generation of mc.exe (Message Compiler):

The “-mof” parameter is deprecated. This parameter instructs MC.exe to generate ETW code that is compatible with Windows XP and earlier. Support for the “-mof” parameter will be removed in a future version of mc.exe.

As long as the “-mof” parameter is not used, the generated C/C++ header is now compatible with both kernel-mode and user-mode, regardless of whether “-km” or “-um” was specified on the command line. The header will use the _ETW_KM_ macro to automatically determine whether it is being compiled for kernel-mode or user-mode and will call the appropriate ETW APIs for each mode.

  • The only remaining difference between “-km” and “-um” is that the EventWrite[EventName] macros generated with “-km” have an Activity ID parameter while the EventWrite[EventName] macros generated with “-um” do not have an Activity ID parameter.

The EventWrite[EventName] macros now default to calling EventWriteTransfer (user mode) or EtwWriteTransfer (kernel mode). Previously, the EventWrite[EventName] macros defaulted to calling EventWrite (user mode) or EtwWrite (kernel mode).

  • The generated header now supports several customization macros. For example, you can set the MCGEN_EVENTWRITETRANSFER macro if you need the generated macros to call something other than EventWriteTransfer.
  • The manifest supports new attributes.
    • Event “name”: non-localized event name.
    • Event “attributes”: additional key-value metadata for an event such as filename, line number, component name, function name.
    • Event “tags”: 28-bit value with user-defined semantics (per-event).
    • Field “tags”: 28-bit value with user-defined semantics (per-field – can be applied to “data” or “struct” elements).
  • You can now define “provider traits” in the manifest (e.g. provider group). If provider traits are used in the manifest, the EventRegister[ProviderName] macro will automatically register them.
  • MC will now report an error if a localized message file is missing a string. (Previously MC would silently generate a corrupt message resource.)
  • MC can now generate Unicode (utf-8 or utf-16) output with the “-cp utf-8” or “-cp utf-16” parameters.

Known Issues:

The SDK headers are generated with types in the “ABI” namespace. This is done to avoid conflicts with C++/CX and C++/WinRT clients that need to consume types directly at the ABI layer[1]. By default, types emitted by MIDL are *not* put in the ABI namespace, however this has the potential to introduce conflicts from teams attempting to consume ABI types from Windows WinRT MIDL generated headers and non-Windows WinRT MIDL generated headers (this is especially challenging if the non-Windows header references Windows types).

To ensure that developers have a consistent view of the WinRT API surface, validation has been added to the generated headers to ensure that the ABI prefix is consistent between the Windows headers and user generated headers. If you encounter an error like:

5>c:program files (x86)windows error C2220: warning treated as error – no ‘object’ file generated

5>c:program files (x86)windows warning C4005: ‘CHECK_NS_PREFIX_STATE’: macro redefinition

5>g:(41): note: see previous definition of ‘CHECK_NS_PREFIX_STATE’

It means that some of your MIDL generated headers are inconsistent with the system generated headers.

There are two ways to fix this:

  • Preferred: Compile your IDL file with the /ns_prefix MIDL command line switch. This will cause all your types to be moved to the ABI namespace consistent with the Windows headers. This may require code changes in your code however.
  • Alternate: Add #define DISABLE_NS_PREFIX_CHECKS before including the Windows headers. This will suppress the validation.

Windows App Certification Kit Crashes

The Windows App Certification Kit will crash when running. To avoid this failure we recommend not installing the Windows App Certification Kit. You can uncheck this option during setup.

API Updates, Additions and Removals

When targeting new APIs, consider writing your app to be adaptive in order to run correctly on the widest number of Windows 10 devices. Please see Dynamically detecting features with API contracts (10 by 10) for more information.

The following APIs have been added to the platform since the release of 17134. The APIs listed below have been removed.


namespace Windows.AI.MachineLearning {
  public interface ILearningModelFeatureDescriptor
  public interface ILearningModelFeatureValue
  public interface ILearningModelOperatorProvider
  public sealed class ImageFeatureDescriptor : ILearningModelFeatureDescriptor
  public sealed class ImageFeatureValue : ILearningModelFeatureValue
  public interface ITensor : ILearningModelFeatureValue
  public sealed class LearningModel : IClosable
  public sealed class LearningModelBinding : IIterable<IKeyValuePair<string, object>>, IMapView<string, object>
  public sealed class LearningModelDevice
  public enum LearningModelDeviceKind
  public sealed class LearningModelEvaluationResult
  public enum LearningModelFeatureKind
  public sealed class LearningModelSession : IClosable
  public struct MachineLearningContract
  public sealed class MapFeatureDescriptor : ILearningModelFeatureDescriptor
  public sealed class SequenceFeatureDescriptor : ILearningModelFeatureDescriptor
  public sealed class TensorBoolean : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorDouble : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorFeatureDescriptor : ILearningModelFeatureDescriptor
  public sealed class TensorFloat : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorFloat16Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorInt16Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorInt32Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorInt64Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorInt8Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public enum TensorKind
  public sealed class TensorString : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorUInt16Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorUInt32Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorUInt64Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
  public sealed class TensorUInt8Bit : ILearningModelFeatureValue, ITensor
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel {
  public sealed class AppInstallerInfo
  public sealed class LimitedAccessFeatureRequestResult
  public static class LimitedAccessFeatures
  public enum LimitedAccessFeatureStatus
  public sealed class Package {
    IAsyncOperation<PackageUpdateAvailabilityResult> CheckUpdateAvailabilityAsync();
    AppInstallerInfo GetAppInstallerInfo();
  public enum PackageUpdateAvailability
  public sealed class PackageUpdateAvailabilityResult
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls {
  public sealed class VoipCallCoordinator {
    IAsyncOperation<VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus> ReserveCallResourcesAsync();
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat {
  public static class ChatCapabilitiesManager {
    public static IAsyncOperation<ChatCapabilities> GetCachedCapabilitiesAsync(string address, string transportId);
    public static IAsyncOperation<ChatCapabilities> GetCapabilitiesFromNetworkAsync(string address, string transportId);
  public static class RcsManager {
    public static event EventHandler<object> TransportListChanged;
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer {
  public static class Clipboard {
    public static event EventHandler<ClipboardHistoryChangedEventArgs> HistoryChanged;
    public static event EventHandler<object> HistoryEnabledChanged;
    public static event EventHandler<object> RoamingEnabledChanged;
    public static bool ClearHistory();
    public static bool DeleteItemFromHistory(ClipboardHistoryItem item);
    public static IAsyncOperation<ClipboardHistoryItemsResult> GetHistoryItemsAsync();
    public static bool IsHistoryEnabled();
    public static bool IsRoamingEnabled();
    public static bool SetContentWithOptions(DataPackage content, ClipboardContentOptions options);
    public static SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus SetHistoryItemAsContent(ClipboardHistoryItem item);
  public sealed class ClipboardContentOptions
  public sealed class ClipboardHistoryChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class ClipboardHistoryItem
  public sealed class ClipboardHistoryItemsResult
  public enum ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus
  public sealed class DataPackagePropertySetView : IIterable<IKeyValuePair<string, object>>, IMapView<string, object> {
    bool IsFromRoamingClipboard { get; }
    string SourceDisplayName { get; }
  public enum SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview {
  public enum DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode
  public enum DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource
  public sealed class DeliveryOptimizationSettings
  public static class StoreConfiguration {
    public static bool IsPinToDesktopSupported();
    public static bool IsPinToStartSupported();
    public static bool IsPinToTaskbarSupported();
    public static void PinToDesktop(string appPackageFamilyName);
    public static void PinToDesktopForUser(User user, string appPackageFamilyName);
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl {
  public enum AppInstallationToastNotificationMode
  public sealed class AppInstallItem {
    AppInstallationToastNotificationMode CompletedInstallToastNotificationMode { get; set; }
    AppInstallationToastNotificationMode InstallInProgressToastNotificationMode { get; set; }
    bool PinToDesktopAfterInstall { get; set; }
    bool PinToStartAfterInstall { get; set; }
    bool PinToTaskbarAfterInstall { get; set; }
  public sealed class AppInstallManager {
    bool CanInstallForAllUsers { get; }
  public sealed class AppInstallOptions {
    string CampaignId { get; set; }
    AppInstallationToastNotificationMode CompletedInstallToastNotificationMode { get; set; }
    string ExtendedCampaignId { get; set; }
    bool InstallForAllUsers { get; set; }
    AppInstallationToastNotificationMode InstallInProgressToastNotificationMode { get; set; }
    bool PinToDesktopAfterInstall { get; set; }
    bool PinToStartAfterInstall { get; set; }
    bool PinToTaskbarAfterInstall { get; set; }
    bool StageButDoNotInstall { get; set; }
  public sealed class AppUpdateOptions {
    bool AutomaticallyDownloadAndInstallUpdateIfFound { get; set; }
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.UserActivities {
  public sealed class UserActivity {
    bool IsRoamable { get; set; }
namespace Windows.Data.Text {
  public sealed class TextPredictionGenerator {
    CoreTextInputScope InputScope { get; set; }
    IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<string>> GetCandidatesAsync(string input, uint maxCandidates, TextPredictionOptions predictionOptions, IIterable<string> previousStrings);
    IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<string>> GetNextWordCandidatesAsync(uint maxCandidates, IIterable<string> previousStrings);
  public enum TextPredictionOptions : uint
namespace Windows.Devices.Display.Core {
  public sealed class DisplayAdapter
  public enum DisplayBitsPerChannel : uint
  public sealed class DisplayDevice
  public enum DisplayDeviceCapability
  public sealed class DisplayFence
  public sealed class DisplayManager : IClosable
  public sealed class DisplayManagerChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class DisplayManagerDisabledEventArgs
  public sealed class DisplayManagerEnabledEventArgs
  public enum DisplayManagerOptions : uint
  public sealed class DisplayManagerPathsFailedOrInvalidatedEventArgs
  public enum DisplayManagerResult
  public sealed class DisplayManagerResultWithState
  public sealed class DisplayModeInfo
  public enum DisplayModeQueryOptions : uint
  public sealed class DisplayPath
  public enum DisplayPathScaling
  public enum DisplayPathStatus
  public struct DisplayPresentationRate
  public sealed class DisplayPrimaryDescription
  public enum DisplayRotation
  public sealed class DisplayScanout
  public sealed class DisplaySource
  public sealed class DisplayState
  public enum DisplayStateApplyOptions : uint
  public enum DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions : uint
  public sealed class DisplayStateOperationResult
  public enum DisplayStateOperationStatus
  public sealed class DisplaySurface
  public sealed class DisplayTarget
  public enum DisplayTargetPersistence
  public sealed class DisplayTask
  public sealed class DisplayTaskPool
  public enum DisplayTaskSignalKind
  public sealed class DisplayView
  public sealed class DisplayWireFormat
  public enum DisplayWireFormatColorSpace
  public enum DisplayWireFormatEotf
  public enum DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata
  public enum DisplayWireFormatPixelEncoding
namespace Windows.Devices.Enumeration {
  public enum DeviceInformationKind {
    DevicePanel = 8,
  public sealed class DeviceInformationPairing {
    public static bool TryRegisterForAllInboundPairingRequestsWithProtectionLevel(DevicePairingKinds pairingKindsSupported, DevicePairingProtectionLevel minProtectionLevel);
namespace Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Pnp {
  public enum PnpObjectType {
    DevicePanel = 8,
namespace Windows.Devices.Lights {
  public sealed class LampArray
  public enum LampArrayKind
  public sealed class LampInfo
  public enum LampPurposes : uint
namespace Windows.Devices.Lights.Effects {
  public interface ILampArrayEffect
  public sealed class LampArrayBitmapEffect : ILampArrayEffect
  public sealed class LampArrayBitmapRequestedEventArgs
  public sealed class LampArrayBlinkEffect : ILampArrayEffect
  public sealed class LampArrayColorRampEffect : ILampArrayEffect
  public sealed class LampArrayCustomEffect : ILampArrayEffect
  public enum LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior
  public sealed class LampArrayEffectPlaylist : IIterable<ILampArrayEffect>, IVectorView<ILampArrayEffect>
  public enum LampArrayEffectStartMode
  public enum LampArrayRepetitionMode
  public sealed class LampArraySolidEffect : ILampArrayEffect
  public sealed class LampArrayUpdateRequestedEventArgs
namespace Windows.Devices.PointOfService {
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerCapabilities {
    bool IsVideoPreviewSupported { get; }
  public sealed class ClaimedBarcodeScanner : IClosable {
    event TypedEventHandler<ClaimedBarcodeScanner, ClaimedBarcodeScannerClosedEventArgs> Closed;
  public sealed class ClaimedBarcodeScannerClosedEventArgs
  public sealed class ClaimedCashDrawer : IClosable {
    event TypedEventHandler<ClaimedCashDrawer, ClaimedCashDrawerClosedEventArgs> Closed;
  public sealed class ClaimedCashDrawerClosedEventArgs
  public sealed class ClaimedLineDisplay : IClosable {
    event TypedEventHandler<ClaimedLineDisplay, ClaimedLineDisplayClosedEventArgs> Closed;
  public sealed class ClaimedLineDisplayClosedEventArgs
  public sealed class ClaimedMagneticStripeReader : IClosable {
    event TypedEventHandler<ClaimedMagneticStripeReader, ClaimedMagneticStripeReaderClosedEventArgs> Closed;
  public sealed class ClaimedMagneticStripeReaderClosedEventArgs
  public sealed class ClaimedPosPrinter : IClosable {
    event TypedEventHandler<ClaimedPosPrinter, ClaimedPosPrinterClosedEventArgs> Closed;
  public sealed class ClaimedPosPrinterClosedEventArgs
namespace Windows.Devices.PointOfService.Provider {
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerDisableScannerRequest {
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason);
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason, string failedReasonDescription);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerEnableScannerRequest {
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason);
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason, string failedReasonDescription);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerFrameReader : IClosable
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerFrameReaderFrameArrivedEventArgs
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerGetSymbologyAttributesRequest {
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason);
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason, string failedReasonDescription);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerHideVideoPreviewRequest {
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason);
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason, string failedReasonDescription);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerProviderConnection : IClosable {
    IAsyncOperation<BarcodeScannerFrameReader> CreateFrameReaderAsync();
    IAsyncOperation<BarcodeScannerFrameReader> CreateFrameReaderAsync(BitmapPixelFormat preferredFormat);
    IAsyncOperation<BarcodeScannerFrameReader> CreateFrameReaderAsync(BitmapPixelFormat preferredFormat, BitmapSize preferredSize);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerSetActiveSymbologiesRequest {
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason);
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason, string failedReasonDescription);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerSetSymbologyAttributesRequest {
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason);
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason, string failedReasonDescription);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerStartSoftwareTriggerRequest {
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason);
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason, string failedReasonDescription);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerStopSoftwareTriggerRequest {
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason);
    IAsyncAction ReportFailedAsync(int reason, string failedReasonDescription);
  public sealed class BarcodeScannerVideoFrame : IClosable
namespace Windows.Devices.Sensors {
  public sealed class HingeAngleReading
  public sealed class HingeAngleSensor
  public sealed class HingeAngleSensorReadingChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class SimpleOrientationSensor {
    public static IAsyncOperation<SimpleOrientationSensor> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector();
namespace Windows.Devices.SmartCards {
  public static class KnownSmartCardAppletIds
  public sealed class SmartCardAppletIdGroup {
    string Description { get; set; }
    IRandomAccessStreamReference Logo { get; set; }
    ValueSet Properties { get; }
    bool SecureUserAuthenticationRequired { get; set; }
  public sealed class SmartCardAppletIdGroupRegistration {
    string SmartCardReaderId { get; }
    IAsyncAction SetPropertiesAsync(ValueSet props);
namespace Windows.Devices.WiFi {
  public enum WiFiPhyKind {
    HE = 10,
namespace Windows.Foundation {
  public static class GuidHelper
namespace Windows.Globalization {
  public static class CurrencyIdentifiers {
    public static string MRU { get; }
    public static string SSP { get; }
    public static string STN { get; }
    public static string VES { get; }
namespace Windows.Graphics.Capture {
  public sealed class Direct3D11CaptureFramePool : IClosable {
    public static Direct3D11CaptureFramePool CreateFreeThreaded(IDirect3DDevice device, DirectXPixelFormat pixelFormat, int numberOfBuffers, SizeInt32 size);
  public sealed class GraphicsCaptureItem {
    public static GraphicsCaptureItem CreateFromVisual(Visual visual);
namespace Windows.Graphics.Display.Core {
  public enum HdmiDisplayHdrOption {
    DolbyVisionLowLatency = 3,
  public sealed class HdmiDisplayMode {
    bool IsDolbyVisionLowLatencySupported { get; }
namespace Windows.Graphics.Holographic {
  public sealed class HolographicCamera {
    bool IsHardwareContentProtectionEnabled { get; set; }
    bool IsHardwareContentProtectionSupported { get; }
  public sealed class HolographicQuadLayerUpdateParameters {
    bool CanAcquireWithHardwareProtection { get; }
    IDirect3DSurface AcquireBufferToUpdateContentWithHardwareProtection();
namespace Windows.Graphics.Imaging {
  public sealed class BitmapDecoder : IBitmapFrame, IBitmapFrameWithSoftwareBitmap {
    public static Guid HeifDecoderId { get; }
    public static Guid WebpDecoderId { get; }
  public sealed class BitmapEncoder {
    public static Guid HeifEncoderId { get; }
namespace Windows.Management.Deployment {
  public enum DeploymentOptions : uint {
    ForceUpdateFromAnyVersion = (uint)262144,
  public sealed class PackageManager {
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> DeprovisionPackageForAllUsersAsync(string packageFamilyName);
  public enum RemovalOptions : uint {
    RemoveForAllUsers = (uint)524288,
namespace Windows.Media.Audio {
  public sealed class CreateAudioDeviceInputNodeResult {
    HResult ExtendedError { get; }
 public sealed class CreateAudioDeviceOutputNodeResult {
    HResult ExtendedError { get; }
  public sealed class CreateAudioFileInputNodeResult {
    HResult ExtendedError { get; }
  public sealed class CreateAudioFileOutputNodeResult {
    HResult ExtendedError { get; }
  public sealed class CreateAudioGraphResult {
    HResult ExtendedError { get; }
  public sealed class CreateMediaSourceAudioInputNodeResult {
    HResult ExtendedError { get; }
  public enum MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy
  public sealed class SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatResult
  public enum SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus
  public sealed class SpatialAudioDeviceConfiguration
  public sealed class SpatialAudioFormatConfiguration
  public static class SpatialAudioFormatSubtype
namespace Windows.Media.Control {
  public sealed class CurrentSessionChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSession
  public sealed class GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionManager
  public sealed class GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionMediaProperties
  public sealed class GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackControls
  public sealed class GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackInfo
  public enum GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus
  public sealed class GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionTimelineProperties
  public sealed class MediaPropertiesChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class PlaybackInfoChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class SessionsChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class TimelinePropertiesChangedEventArgs
namespace Windows.Media.Core {
  public sealed class MediaStreamSample {
    IDirect3DSurface Direct3D11Surface { get; }
    public static MediaStreamSample CreateFromDirect3D11Surface(IDirect3DSurface surface, TimeSpan timestamp);
namespace Windows.Media.Devices.Core {
  public sealed class CameraIntrinsics {
    public CameraIntrinsics(Vector2 focalLength, Vector2 principalPoint, Vector3 radialDistortion, Vector2 tangentialDistortion, uint imageWidth, uint imageHeight);
namespace Windows.Media.Import {
  public enum PhotoImportContentTypeFilter {
    ImagesAndVideosFromCameraRoll = 3,
  public sealed class PhotoImportItem {
    string Path { get; }
namespace Windows.Media.MediaProperties {
  public sealed class ImageEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties {
    public static ImageEncodingProperties CreateHeif();
  public static class MediaEncodingSubtypes {
    public static string Heif { get; }
namespace Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady {
  public static class PlayReadyStatics {
    public static IReference<DateTime> HardwareDRMDisabledAtTime { get; }
    public static IReference<DateTime> HardwareDRMDisabledUntilTime { get; }
    public static void ResetHardwareDRMDisabled();
namespace Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive {
  public enum AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType {
    MediaSegmentIndex = 5,
namespace Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer {
  public enum BackgroundTransferPriority {
    Low = 2,
namespace Windows.Networking.Connectivity {
  public sealed class ConnectionProfile {
    bool CanDelete { get; }
    IAsyncOperation<ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus> TryDeleteAsync();
  public enum ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus
namespace Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators {
  public enum ESimOperationStatus {
    CardGeneralFailure = 13,
    ConfirmationCodeMissing = 14,
    EidMismatch = 18,
    InvalidMatchingId = 15,
    NoCorrespondingRequest = 23,
    NoEligibleProfileForThisDevice = 16,
    OperationAborted = 17,
    OperationProhibitedByProfileClass = 21,
    ProfileNotAvailableForNewBinding = 19,
    ProfileNotPresent = 22,
    ProfileNotReleasedByOperator = 20,
namespace Windows.Perception {
  public sealed class PerceptionTimestamp {
    TimeSpan SystemRelativeTargetTime { get; }
  public static class PerceptionTimestampHelper {
    public static PerceptionTimestamp FromSystemRelativeTargetTime(TimeSpan targetTime);
namespace Windows.Perception.Spatial {
  public sealed class SpatialAnchorExporter
  public enum SpatialAnchorExportPurpose
  public sealed class SpatialAnchorExportSufficiency
  public sealed class SpatialLocation {
    Vector3 AbsoluteAngularAccelerationAxisAngle { get; }
    Vector3 AbsoluteAngularVelocityAxisAngle { get; }
namespace Windows.Perception.Spatial.Preview {
  public static class SpatialGraphInteropPreview
namespace Windows.Services.Cortana {
  public sealed class CortanaActionableInsights
  public sealed class CortanaActionableInsightsOptions
namespace Windows.Services.Store {
  public sealed class StoreAppLicense {
    bool IsDiscLicense { get; }
  public sealed class StoreContext {
    IAsyncOperation<StoreRateAndReviewResult> RequestRateAndReviewAppAsync();
    IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<StoreQueueItem>> SetInstallOrderForAssociatedStoreQueueItemsAsync(IIterable<StoreQueueItem> items);
  public sealed class StoreQueueItem {
    IAsyncAction CancelInstallAsync();
    IAsyncAction PauseInstallAsync();
    IAsyncAction ResumeInstallAsync();
  public sealed class StoreRateAndReviewResult
  public enum StoreRateAndReviewStatus
namespace Windows.Storage.Provider {
  public enum StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier : uint {
    AutoDehydrationAllowed = (uint)4,
  public sealed class StorageProviderSyncRootInfo {
    Guid ProviderId { get; set; }
namespace Windows.System {
  public sealed class AppUriHandlerHost
  public sealed class AppUriHandlerRegistration
  public sealed class AppUriHandlerRegistrationManager
  public static class Launcher {
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> LaunchFolderPathAsync(string path);
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> LaunchFolderPathAsync(string path, FolderLauncherOptions options);
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> LaunchFolderPathForUserAsync(User user, string path);
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> LaunchFolderPathForUserAsync(User user, string path, FolderLauncherOptions options);
namespace Windows.System.Preview {
  public enum HingeState
  public sealed class TwoPanelHingedDevicePosturePreview
  public sealed class TwoPanelHingedDevicePosturePreviewReading
  public sealed class TwoPanelHingedDevicePosturePreviewReadingChangedEventArgs
namespace Windows.System.Profile {
  public enum SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState
  public static class SystemSetupInfo
  public static class WindowsIntegrityPolicy
namespace Windows.System.Profile.SystemManufacturers {
  public sealed class SystemSupportDeviceInfo
  public static class SystemSupportInfo {
    public static SystemSupportDeviceInfo LocalDeviceInfo { get; }
namespace Windows.System.RemoteSystems {
  public sealed class RemoteSystem {
    IVectorView<RemoteSystemApp> Apps { get; }
  public sealed class RemoteSystemApp
  public sealed class RemoteSystemAppRegistration
  public sealed class RemoteSystemConnectionInfo
  public sealed class RemoteSystemConnectionRequest {
    RemoteSystemApp RemoteSystemApp { get; }
    public static RemoteSystemConnectionRequest CreateForApp(RemoteSystemApp remoteSystemApp);
  public sealed class RemoteSystemWebAccountFilter : IRemoteSystemFilter
namespace Windows.System.Update {
  public enum SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason
  public sealed class SystemUpdateItem
  public enum SystemUpdateItemState
  public sealed class SystemUpdateLastErrorInfo
  public static class SystemUpdateManager
  public enum SystemUpdateManagerState
  public enum SystemUpdateStartInstallAction
namespace Windows.System.UserProfile {
  public sealed class AssignedAccessSettings
namespace Windows.UI.Accessibility {
  public sealed class ScreenReaderPositionChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class ScreenReaderService
namespace Windows.UI.Composition {
  public enum AnimationPropertyAccessMode
  public sealed class AnimationPropertyInfo : CompositionObject
  public sealed class BooleanKeyFrameAnimation : KeyFrameAnimation
  public class CompositionAnimation : CompositionObject, ICompositionAnimationBase {
    void SetExpressionReferenceParameter(string parameterName, IAnimationObject source);
  public enum CompositionBatchTypes : uint {
    AllAnimations = (uint)5,
    InfiniteAnimation = (uint)4,
  public sealed class CompositionGeometricClip : CompositionClip
  public class CompositionGradientBrush : CompositionBrush {
    CompositionMappingMode MappingMode { get; set; }
  public enum CompositionMappingMode
  public class CompositionObject : IAnimationObject, IClosable {
    void PopulatePropertyInfo(string propertyName, AnimationPropertyInfo propertyInfo);
    public static void StartAnimationGroupWithIAnimationObject(IAnimationObject target, ICompositionAnimationBase animation);
    public static void StartAnimationWithIAnimationObject(IAnimationObject target, string propertyName, CompositionAnimation animation);
  public sealed class Compositor : IClosable {
    BooleanKeyFrameAnimation CreateBooleanKeyFrameAnimation();
    CompositionGeometricClip CreateGeometricClip();
    CompositionGeometricClip CreateGeometricClip(CompositionGeometry geometry);
    RedirectVisual CreateRedirectVisual();
    RedirectVisual CreateRedirectVisual(Visual source);
  public interface IAnimationObject
  public sealed class RedirectVisual : ContainerVisual
namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions {
  public sealed class InteractionSourceConfiguration : CompositionObject
  public enum InteractionSourceRedirectionMode
  public sealed class InteractionTracker : CompositionObject {
    bool IsInertiaFromImpulse { get; }
    int TryUpdatePosition(Vector3 value, InteractionTrackerClampingOption option);
    int TryUpdatePositionBy(Vector3 amount, InteractionTrackerClampingOption option);
  public enum InteractionTrackerClampingOption
  public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaStateEnteredArgs {
    bool IsInertiaFromImpulse { get; }
  public class VisualInteractionSource : CompositionObject, ICompositionInteractionSource {
    InteractionSourceConfiguration PointerWheelConfig { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Inking {
  public enum HandwritingLineHeight
  public sealed class PenAndInkSettings
  public enum PenHandedness
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Inking.Preview {
  public sealed class PalmRejectionDelayZonePreview : IClosable
namespace Windows.UI.Notifications {
  public sealed class ScheduledToastNotificationShowingEventArgs
  public sealed class ToastNotifier {
    event TypedEventHandler<ToastNotifier, ScheduledToastNotificationShowingEventArgs> ScheduledToastNotificationShowing;
namespace Windows.UI.Shell {
  public enum SecurityAppKind
  public sealed class SecurityAppManager
  public struct SecurityAppManagerContract
  public enum SecurityAppState
  public enum SecurityAppSubstatus
  public sealed class TaskbarManager {
    IAsyncOperation<bool> IsSecondaryTilePinnedAsync(string tileId);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> RequestPinSecondaryTileAsync(SecondaryTile secondaryTile);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryUnpinSecondaryTileAsync(string tileId);
namespace Windows.UI.StartScreen {
  public sealed class StartScreenManager {
    IAsyncOperation<bool> ContainsSecondaryTileAsync(string tileId);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryRemoveSecondaryTileAsync(string tileId);
namespace Windows.UI.Text {
  public sealed class RichEditTextDocument : ITextDocument {
    void ClearUndoRedoHistory();
namespace Windows.UI.Text.Core {
  public sealed class CoreTextLayoutRequest {
    CoreTextLayoutBounds LayoutBoundsVisualPixels { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement {
  public enum ApplicationViewWindowingMode {
    CompactOverlay = 3,
    Maximized = 4,
namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Core {
  public sealed class CoreInputView {
    bool TryHide();
    bool TryShow();
    bool TryShow(CoreInputViewKind type);
  public enum CoreInputViewKind
namespace Windows.UI.WebUI {
  public sealed class BackgroundActivatedEventArgs : IBackgroundActivatedEventArgs
  public delegate void BackgroundActivatedEventHandler(object sender, IBackgroundActivatedEventArgs eventArgs);
  public sealed class NewWebUIViewCreatedEventArgs
  public static class WebUIApplication {
    public static event BackgroundActivatedEventHandler BackgroundActivated;
    public static event EventHandler<NewWebUIViewCreatedEventArgs> NewWebUIViewCreated;
  public sealed class WebUIView : IWebViewControl, IWebViewControl2
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml {
  public class BrushTransition
  public class ColorPaletteResources : ResourceDictionary
  public class DataTemplate : FrameworkTemplate, IElementFactory {
    UIElement GetElement(ElementFactoryGetArgs args);
    void RecycleElement(ElementFactoryRecycleArgs args);
  public sealed class DebugSettings {
    bool FailFastOnErrors { get; set; }
  public sealed class EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs
  public class ElementFactoryGetArgs
  public class ElementFactoryRecycleArgs
  public class FrameworkElement : UIElement {
    bool IsLoaded { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<FrameworkElement, EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs> EffectiveViewportChanged;
    void InvalidateViewport();
  public interface IElementFactory
  public class ScalarTransition
  public class UIElement : DependencyObject, IAnimationObject {
    bool CanBeScrollAnchor { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanBeScrollAnchorProperty { get; }
    Vector3 CenterPoint { get; set; }
    ScalarTransition OpacityTransition { get; set; }
    float Rotation { get; set; }
    Vector3 RotationAxis { get; set; }
    ScalarTransition RotationTransition { get; set; }
    Vector3 Scale { get; set; }
    Vector3Transition ScaleTransition { get; set; }
    Matrix4x4 TransformMatrix { get; set; }
    Vector3 Translation { get; set; }
    Vector3Transition TranslationTransition { get; set; }
    void PopulatePropertyInfo(string propertyName, AnimationPropertyInfo propertyInfo);
    virtual void PopulatePropertyInfoOverride(string propertyName, AnimationPropertyInfo animationPropertyInfo);
    void StartAnimation(ICompositionAnimationBase animation);
    void StopAnimation(ICompositionAnimationBase animation);
  public class Vector3Transition
  public enum Vector3TransitionComponents : uint
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation {
  public sealed class AutomationElementIdentifiers {
    public static AutomationProperty IsDialogProperty { get; }
  public sealed class AutomationProperties {
    public static DependencyProperty IsDialogProperty { get; }
    public static bool GetIsDialog(DependencyObject element);
    public static void SetIsDialog(DependencyObject element, bool value);
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers {
  public class AppBarButtonAutomationPeer : ButtonAutomationPeer, IExpandCollapseProvider {
    ExpandCollapseState ExpandCollapseState { get; }
    void Collapse();
    void Expand();
  public class AutomationPeer : DependencyObject {
    bool IsDialog();
    virtual bool IsDialogCore();
  public class MenuBarAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
  public class MenuBarItemAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, IExpandCollapseProvider, IInvokeProvider
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls {
  public sealed class AnchorRequestedEventArgs
  public class AppBarElementContainer : ContentControl, ICommandBarElement, ICommandBarElement2
  public sealed class AutoSuggestBox : ItemsControl {
    object Description { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty DescriptionProperty { get; }
  public enum BackgroundSizing
  public sealed class Border : FrameworkElement {
    BackgroundSizing BackgroundSizing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty BackgroundSizingProperty { get; }
    BrushTransition BackgroundTransition { get; set; }
  public class CalendarDatePicker : Control {
    object Description { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty DescriptionProperty { get; }
  public class ComboBox : Selector {
    object Description { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty DescriptionProperty { get; }
    bool IsEditable { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsEditableProperty { get; }
    string Text { get; set; }
    Style TextBoxStyle { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty TextBoxStyleProperty { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty TextProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<ComboBox, ComboBoxTextSubmittedEventArgs> TextSubmitted;
  public sealed class ComboBoxTextSubmittedEventArgs
  public class CommandBarFlyout : FlyoutBase
  public class ContentPresenter : FrameworkElement {
    BackgroundSizing BackgroundSizing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty BackgroundSizingProperty { get; }
    BrushTransition BackgroundTransition { get; set; }
  public class Control : FrameworkElement {
    BackgroundSizing BackgroundSizing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty BackgroundSizingProperty { get; }
    CornerRadius CornerRadius { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty CornerRadiusProperty { get; }
  public class DataTemplateSelector : IElementFactory {
    UIElement GetElement(ElementFactoryGetArgs args);
    void RecycleElement(ElementFactoryRecycleArgs args);
  public class DatePicker : Control {
    IReference<DateTime> SelectedDate { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectedDateProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<DatePicker, DatePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs> SelectedDateChanged;
  public sealed class DatePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs
  public class DropDownButton : Button
  public class DropDownButtonAutomationPeer : ButtonAutomationPeer, IExpandCollapseProvider
  public class Frame : ContentControl, INavigate {
    bool IsNavigationStackEnabled { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsNavigationStackEnabledProperty { get; }
    bool NavigateToType(TypeName sourcePageType, object parameter, FrameNavigationOptions navigationOptions);
  public class Grid : Panel {
    BackgroundSizing BackgroundSizing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty BackgroundSizingProperty { get; }
  public class IconSourceElement : IconElement
  public interface IScrollAnchorProvider
  public class MenuBar : Control
  public class MenuBarItem : Control
  public class MenuBarItemFlyout : MenuFlyout
  public class NavigationView : ContentControl {
    UIElement ContentOverlay { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ContentOverlayProperty { get; }
    bool IsPaneVisible { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsPaneVisibleProperty { get; }
    NavigationViewOverflowLabelMode OverflowLabelMode { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty OverflowLabelModeProperty { get; }
    UIElement PaneCustomContent { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty PaneCustomContentProperty { get; }
    NavigationViewPaneDisplayMode PaneDisplayMode { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty PaneDisplayModeProperty { get; }
    UIElement PaneHeader { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty PaneHeaderProperty { get; }
    NavigationViewSelectionFollowsFocus SelectionFollowsFocus { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectionFollowsFocusProperty { get; }
    NavigationViewShoulderNavigationEnabled ShoulderNavigationEnabled { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ShoulderNavigationEnabledProperty { get; }
    NavigationViewTemplateSettings TemplateSettings { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty TemplateSettingsProperty { get; }
  public class NavigationViewItem : NavigationViewItemBase {
    bool SelectsOnInvoked { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectsOnInvokedProperty { get; }
  public sealed class NavigationViewItemInvokedEventArgs {
    NavigationViewItemBase InvokedItemContainer { get; }
    NavigationTransitionInfo RecommendedNavigationTransitionInfo { get; }
  public enum NavigationViewOverflowLabelMode
  public enum NavigationViewPaneDisplayMode
  public sealed class NavigationViewSelectionChangedEventArgs {
    NavigationTransitionInfo RecommendedNavigationTransitionInfo { get; }
    NavigationViewItemBase SelectedItemContainer { get; }
  public enum NavigationViewSelectionFollowsFocus
  public enum NavigationViewShoulderNavigationEnabled
  public class NavigationViewTemplateSettings : DependencyObject
  public class Panel : FrameworkElement {
    BrushTransition BackgroundTransition { get; set; }
  public sealed class PasswordBox : Control {
    bool CanPasteClipboardContent { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanPasteClipboardContentProperty { get; }
    object Description { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty DescriptionProperty { get; }
    FlyoutBase SelectionFlyout { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectionFlyoutProperty { get; }
    void PasteFromClipboard();
  public class RelativePanel : Panel {
    BackgroundSizing BackgroundSizing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty BackgroundSizingProperty { get; }
  public class RichEditBox : Control {
    object Description { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty DescriptionProperty { get; }
    FlyoutBase ProofingMenuFlyout { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty ProofingMenuFlyoutProperty { get; }
    FlyoutBase SelectionFlyout { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectionFlyoutProperty { get; }
    RichEditTextDocument TextDocument { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<RichEditBox, RichEditBoxSelectionChangingEventArgs> SelectionChanging;
  public sealed class RichEditBoxSelectionChangingEventArgs
  public sealed class RichTextBlock : FrameworkElement {
    FlyoutBase SelectionFlyout { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectionFlyoutProperty { get; }
    void CopySelectionToClipboard();
  public sealed class ScrollContentPresenter : ContentPresenter {
    bool CanContentRenderOutsideBounds { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanContentRenderOutsideBoundsProperty { get; }
    bool SizesContentToTemplatedParent { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SizesContentToTemplatedParentProperty { get; }
  public sealed class ScrollViewer : ContentControl, IScrollAnchorProvider {
    bool CanContentRenderOutsideBounds { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanContentRenderOutsideBoundsProperty { get; }
    UIElement CurrentAnchor { get; }
    double HorizontalAnchorRatio { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty HorizontalAnchorRatioProperty { get; }
    bool ReduceViewportForCoreInputViewOcclusions { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ReduceViewportForCoreInputViewOcclusionsProperty { get; }
    double VerticalAnchorRatio { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty VerticalAnchorRatioProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<ScrollViewer, AnchorRequestedEventArgs> AnchorRequested;
    public static bool GetCanContentRenderOutsideBounds(DependencyObject element);
    void RegisterAnchorCandidate(UIElement element);
    public static void SetCanContentRenderOutsideBounds(DependencyObject element, bool canContentRenderOutsideBounds);
    void UnregisterAnchorCandidate(UIElement element);
  public class SplitButton : ContentControl
  public class SplitButtonAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, IExpandCollapseProvider, IInvokeProvider
  public sealed class SplitButtonClickEventArgs
  public class StackPanel : Panel, IInsertionPanel, IScrollSnapPointsInfo {
    BackgroundSizing BackgroundSizing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty BackgroundSizingProperty { get; }
  public sealed class TextBlock : FrameworkElement {
    FlyoutBase SelectionFlyout { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectionFlyoutProperty { get; }
    void CopySelectionToClipboard();
  public class TextBox : Control {
    bool CanPasteClipboardContent { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanPasteClipboardContentProperty { get; }
    bool CanRedo { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanRedoProperty { get; }
    bool CanUndo { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanUndoProperty { get; }
    object Description { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty DescriptionProperty { get; }
    FlyoutBase ProofingMenuFlyout { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty ProofingMenuFlyoutProperty { get; }
    FlyoutBase SelectionFlyout { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectionFlyoutProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<TextBox, TextBoxSelectionChangingEventArgs> SelectionChanging;
    void ClearUndoRedoHistory();
    void CopySelectionToClipboard();
    void CutSelectionToClipboard();
    void PasteFromClipboard();
    void Redo();
    void Undo();
  public sealed class TextBoxSelectionChangingEventArgs
  public class TextCommandBarFlyout : CommandBarFlyout
  public class TimePicker : Control {
    IReference<TimeSpan> SelectedTime { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SelectedTimeProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<TimePicker, TimePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs> SelectedTimeChanged;
  public sealed class TimePickerSelectedValueChangedEventArgs
  public class ToggleSplitButton : SplitButton
  public class ToggleSplitButtonAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, IExpandCollapseProvider, IToggleProvider
  public sealed class ToggleSplitButtonIsCheckedChangedEventArgs
  public class ToolTip : ContentControl {
    IReference<Rect> PlacementRect { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty PlacementRectProperty { get; }
  public class TreeView : Control {
    bool CanDragItems { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanDragItemsProperty { get; }
    bool CanReorderItems { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty CanReorderItemsProperty { get; }
    Style ItemContainerStyle { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ItemContainerStyleProperty { get; }
    StyleSelector ItemContainerStyleSelector { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ItemContainerStyleSelectorProperty { get; }
    TransitionCollection ItemContainerTransitions { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ItemContainerTransitionsProperty { get; }
    object ItemsSource { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty { get; }
    DataTemplate ItemTemplate { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ItemTemplateProperty { get; }
    DataTemplateSelector ItemTemplateSelector { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ItemTemplateSelectorProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<TreeView, TreeViewDragItemsCompletedEventArgs> DragItemsCompleted;
    event TypedEventHandler<TreeView, TreeViewDragItemsStartingEventArgs> DragItemsStarting;
    DependencyObject ContainerFromItem(object item);
    DependencyObject ContainerFromNode(TreeViewNode node);
    object ItemFromContainer(DependencyObject container);
    TreeViewNode NodeFromContainer(DependencyObject container);
  public sealed class TreeViewCollapsedEventArgs {
    object Item { get; }
  public sealed class TreeViewDragItemsCompletedEventArgs
  public sealed class TreeViewDragItemsStartingEventArgs
  public sealed class TreeViewExpandingEventArgs {
    object Item { get; }
  public class TreeViewItem : ListViewItem {
    bool HasUnrealizedChildren { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty HasUnrealizedChildrenProperty { get; }
    object ItemsSource { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty { get; }
  public sealed class WebView : FrameworkElement {
    event TypedEventHandler<WebView, WebViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs> WebResourceRequested;
  public sealed class WebViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps {
  public enum MapTileAnimationState
  public sealed class MapTileBitmapRequestedEventArgs {
    int FrameIndex { get; }
 public class MapTileSource : DependencyObject {
    MapTileAnimationState AnimationState { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty AnimationStateProperty { get; }
    bool AutoPlay { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty AutoPlayProperty { get; }
    int FrameCount { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty FrameCountProperty { get; }
    TimeSpan FrameDuration { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty FrameDurationProperty { get; }
    void Pause();
    void Play();
    void Stop();
  public sealed class MapTileUriRequestedEventArgs {
    int FrameIndex { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives {
  public class CommandBarFlyoutCommandBar : CommandBar
  public sealed class CommandBarFlyoutCommandBarTemplateSettings : DependencyObject
  public class FlyoutBase : DependencyObject {
    bool AreOpenCloseAnimationsEnabled { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty AreOpenCloseAnimationsEnabledProperty { get; }
    bool InputDevicePrefersPrimaryCommands { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty InputDevicePrefersPrimaryCommandsProperty { get; }
    bool IsOpen { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsOpenProperty { get; }
    FlyoutShowMode ShowMode { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ShowModeProperty { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty TargetProperty { get; }
    void ShowAt(DependencyObject placementTarget, FlyoutShowOptions showOptions);
  public enum FlyoutPlacementMode {
    Auto = 13,
    BottomEdgeAlignedLeft = 7,
    BottomEdgeAlignedRight = 8,
    LeftEdgeAlignedBottom = 10,
    LeftEdgeAlignedTop = 9,
    RightEdgeAlignedBottom = 12,
    RightEdgeAlignedTop = 11,
    TopEdgeAlignedLeft = 5,
    TopEdgeAlignedRight = 6,
  public enum FlyoutShowMode
  public class FlyoutShowOptions
  public class NavigationViewItemPresenter : ContentControl
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct {
  public interface IXamlDirectObject
  public sealed class XamlDirect
  public struct XamlDirectContract
  public enum XamlEventIndex
  public enum XamlPropertyIndex
  public enum XamlTypeIndex
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting {
  public class DesktopWindowXamlSource : IClosable
  public sealed class DesktopWindowXamlSourceGotFocusEventArgs
  public sealed class DesktopWindowXamlSourceTakeFocusRequestedEventArgs
  public sealed class WindowsXamlManager : IClosable
  public enum XamlSourceFocusNavigationReason
  public sealed class XamlSourceFocusNavigationRequest
  public sealed class XamlSourceFocusNavigationResult
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Input {
  public sealed class CanExecuteRequestedEventArgs
  public sealed class ExecuteRequestedEventArgs
  public sealed class FocusManager {
    public static event EventHandler<GettingFocusEventArgs> GettingFocus;
    public static event EventHandler<FocusManagerGotFocusEventArgs> GotFocus;
    public static event EventHandler<LosingFocusEventArgs> LosingFocus;
    public static event EventHandler<FocusManagerLostFocusEventArgs> LostFocus;
  public sealed class FocusManagerGotFocusEventArgs
  public sealed class FocusManagerLostFocusEventArgs
  public sealed class GettingFocusEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs {
    Guid CorrelationId { get; }
  public sealed class LosingFocusEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs {
    Guid CorrelationId { get; }
  public class StandardUICommand : XamlUICommand
  public enum StandardUICommandKind
  public class XamlUICommand : DependencyObject, ICommand
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup {
  public sealed class FullXamlMetadataProviderAttribute : Attribute
  public interface IXamlBindScopeDiagnostics
  public interface IXamlType2 : IXamlType
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media {
  public class Brush : DependencyObject, IAnimationObject {
    void PopulatePropertyInfo(string propertyName, AnimationPropertyInfo propertyInfo);
    virtual void PopulatePropertyInfoOverride(string propertyName, AnimationPropertyInfo animationPropertyInfo);
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation {
  public class BasicConnectedAnimationConfiguration : ConnectedAnimationConfiguration
  public sealed class ConnectedAnimation {
    ConnectedAnimationConfiguration Configuration { get; set; }
  public class ConnectedAnimationConfiguration
  public class DirectConnectedAnimationConfiguration : ConnectedAnimationConfiguration
  public class GravityConnectedAnimationConfiguration : ConnectedAnimationConfiguration
  public enum SlideNavigationTransitionEffect
  public sealed class SlideNavigationTransitionInfo : NavigationTransitionInfo {
    SlideNavigationTransitionEffect Effect { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty EffectProperty { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation {
  public class FrameNavigationOptions
namespace Windows.Web.UI {
  public interface IWebViewControl2
  public sealed class WebViewControlNewWindowRequestedEventArgs {
    IWebViewControl NewWindow { get; set; }
    Deferral GetDeferral();
  public enum WebViewControlPermissionType {
    ImmersiveView = 6,
namespace Windows.Web.UI.Interop {
  public sealed class WebViewControl : IWebViewControl, IWebViewControl2 {
    event TypedEventHandler<WebViewControl, object> GotFocus;
    event TypedEventHandler<WebViewControl, object> LostFocus;
    void AddInitializeScript(string script);


namespace Windows.Gaming.UI {
  public sealed class GameMonitor
  public enum GameMonitoringPermission

Source: Windows Blog