'Twin Palms': a short film shot on Xperia 5 II

Discover short film ‘Twin Palms’, as shot by pro filmmaker Jeff Berlin. Fully using Cinematography Pro "powered by CineAlta”, Xperia 5 II delivers the world´s first 21:9 ratio 4K HDR 120fps slow-motion movie recording in a smartphone.

A film by Jeff Berlin
With Madeline Houk and Cara Hansvick
Camera by Jeff Berlin and Adam Feuerman
Edited by Adam Feuerman with Jeff Berlin

With gratitude:
Jennifer Sugarman, Yosuke Someya, Kayla Lindquist, Andrew Tiffen, Jason Press, Johnny Yucas, Chris Feuerman, Sam Harris, Jesse Moreno, Sherman’s Deli Palm Springs

Source: Sony Xperia YouTube