Tips and Tricks - 5 Tips for LEGO The Incredibles

Hey Xbox Gamers, We got 5 Tips for LEGO The Incredibles! Everyone’s favorite superhero family is back and ready for action. It’s been 14 years since the original Incredibles movie was released, and now we have a second movie, plus a Lego game! The game picks up where the first movie left off and touches on both the first and the second movies – so if you HAVENT seen Incredibles 2 yet, you may want to check it out before picking up this game! You can fight crime, solve puzzles, and build awesome stuff – either alone or with a friend. For fans of the LEGO games there are some new features, and for new players there’s plenty to learn. So to help you out, here are 5 tips for LEGO The Incredibles!

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Source: XBOX YouTube