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Did you crack Billy’s code and find his secret page? Learn more about his unstructured data world right here: www.babybluehat.com

This unusual power source wasn’t alien, nor was it falling to earth, but rather being created from everyday devices. We were the source. However, no one knew how big the data would actually get! Billy finally had an epiphany; the file data & object data will live in the cloud. Dell EMC Isilon www.dellemc.com/isilon and Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) www.dellemc.com/ecs will tame all of the unstructured data.

Dell EMC Isilon is the #1 scale out NAS platform for big data and object workloads
Dell EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) is software defined object storage designed for both traditional and next-generation workloads with unmatched scalability, flexibility and resiliency.
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The Quest for Cloud Storage: Unstructured Data World, Ep.3/4

The Quest for Cloud Storage: Unstructured Data World, Ep.3/4   

The Quest for Cloud Storage: Unstructured Data World, Ep.3/4

The Quest for Cloud Storage: Unstructured Data World, Ep.3/4

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The Quest for Cloud Storage: Unstructured Data World, Ep.3/4

The Quest for Cloud Storage: Unstructured Data World, Ep.3/4

Source: Dell Blog