The market for Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) solutions has grown rapidly over the last two years. In an area where cloud computing enables cutomers to deploy compute resources on-demand and in a matter of seconds,and where SDNis being actively deployed indata centers networks, enterprises request a flexible and affordable connection solution for the Wide Area Networks (WAN).
EANTC has been testing IP/MPLS independtly for more than 15 years and SDN-WAN solutions since 2011. Huawei commisioned EANTC to test its SD-WAN solution based on the following areas: Scalability, Endpoint and Link Resiliency, and Preformance Monitoring. After two weeks of testing at Huawei’s Office, EANTC presents the results in this report.
In this report, you can learn
1. The Key Results and Achievement of our product in the test.
2. The Confirmation of the test result with Huawei’s Claims
3. The Failover Mechansism and Performance helps service providers maintain operations
4. The intelligence of forwarding decisions based on Huawei’s policies and network conditions.