TESTED: 3D Creator, what is it and how to use it

Move over selfies and welcome to the age of mobile 3D scanning… With 3D Creator, the possibilities are endless as users can scan faces, heads or objects to produce three-dimensional versions on their phone. A process that used to take hours and cost thousands now takes seconds and is right there in your pocket. Result.

We grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be a Camo DUALSHOCK® 4 and got scanning…

Scanning with 3D Creator

First up, which scanning option to use?

There are four different options to choose from that each have a dedicated on-screen ‘how to’ guide; a quick and easy face scan, 360 head scan, a food scan (which can also be used for other objects) and finally, freeform scan.

We chose food and other objects. The on-screen guide is easy to follow, begin by roughly framing the object within the circle silhouette to map out the initial design – make sure to maintain a similar distance throughout the scan.

TESTED: 3D Creator, what is it and how to use it

Add a little more detail and move slowly and steadily whilst tilting the phone according to the dotted pattern shown, keeping the object within the frame.

TESTED: 3D Creator, what is it and how to use it

Once the object has been calibrated the detailed mapping process takes place and this is where the surface is refined by moving the XZ1 slowly across the whole surface of the object to ‘sculpt’ the detail – it’s important to scan the bigger grey areas on the mesh to ensure full coverage.

TESTED: 3D Creator, what is it and how to use it

This is where the technology gets to work generating textures and features on the final 3D model. In our case, a highly accurate representation of our DUALSHOCK® 4 Controller.

TESTED: 3D Creator, what is it and how to use it

Using your 3D Creations

Once you’ve done scanning, the real fun begins. Set objects to your smartphone wallpaper and check them out from every angle as you swipe through apps. Or scan your face and become the first person in your social circle to boast a bona-fide 3D avatar profile picture.

3D Creator’s AR possibilities open up some seriously futuristic options from the sensible to the silly. Scan a lamp in a department store and see how it will look on your table when you get home. Alternatively, put your friend’s head onto a bear’s body and make them do sit ups in your kitchen via the magic of AR. Your call.

Finally, we’ve buddied up with 3D printing experts Sculpteo to allow you to turn your 3D scans into IRL objects. You’ll find Sculpteo within 3D Creator. Select a scan, share it with Sculpteo, pay via the app and soon enough a tiny version of your own head/lunch maybe be coming to you in the mail.

Tips & Tricks

Ensure you’re working in a well-lit environment
But avoid direct light over the object to prevent casting shadows whilst scanning
Steer clear of monochrome surfaces

The post TESTED: 3D Creator, what is it and how to use it appeared first on Sony Xperia Blog.

Source: Sony Mobile Blog