Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today announced that it joined the Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society (PAI) to Benefit People and Society (PAI). The Partnership was established to serve as an open platform to discuss, study, and formulate best practices on AI technologies.


Founded in 2016, PAI is a technology industry consortium that conducts research and discussion, shares insights, provides thought leadership, identifies new areas for AI application, and creates informational materials to advance the understanding of AI technologies. The organization currently has more than 70 partners, including major global companies and human rights groups specializing in AI.


Samsung Electronics Joins ‘Partnership on AI’ for the Future of AI Safety


Acknowledging the rapid development and aiming to positively impact the future of AI technologies, Samsung joined PAI to shape the direction of AI development along with global member companies. As a member of PAI, Samsung will join one of its working groups, Collaboration Between People and AI Systems1, and research possible collaboration between humans and AI. The company also plans to participate in research on topics including safety, transparency, and the social and economic impacts of AI.


“Samsung is dedicated to producing AI products and services that are reliable and safe for people and beneficial to society,” said Seunghwan Cho, Executive Vice President of Samsung Research, the advanced R&D arm of Samsung Electronics’ device business. “As a member of the PAI, Samsung will strive to facilitate ongoing progress of artificial intelligence and develop best practices on AI technologies.”


Samsung now has a network of seven Global AI Centers in Seoul, Silicon Valley, New York, Cambridge, Moscow, Toronto and Montreal.



1 PAI has working groups in six major research fields: Safety-Critical AI, Fair, Transparent and Accountable AI, AI, Labor and the Economy, Collaborations Between People and AI, Social and Societal Influences of AI, AI and Social Welfare.

Source: Samsung Mobile Blog