[SAIF 2020] Day 1: Live Streaming | Samsung

Samsung AI Forum 2020 – Day 1
November 2 Mon., 09:00~13:00 (KST, UTC+9)

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09:00 – 09:05 Opening Remarks (Kinam Kim)
09:05 – 09:30 Talk #1: Towards Discovering Causal Representations (Yoshua Bengio)
09:30 – 09:55 Talk #2: Energy Based Models for Self-Supervised Learning (Yann LeCun)
09:55 – 10:20 Talk #3: Meta-Learning: from Few-Shot Adaptation to Uncovering Symmetries (Chelsea Finn)
10:20 – 10:30 Samsung AI Researcher of the Year Ceremony
10:30 – 10:55 Talk #4: Reconstruction of the Brain (Donhee Ham)
10:55 – 11:20 Talk #5: Towards End-to-End Speech Recognition (Tara Sainath)
11:20 – 11:45 Talk #6: Intelligibility Throughout the Machine Learning Life Cycle (Jenn Wortman Vaughan)
11:45 – 13:00 Panel Discussion (with Inyup Kang)
13:00 Closing

#SamsungAIForum #SAIF2020

For more information, visit our websites:
– Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (#SAIT): http://smsng.co/sait
– Samsung Research: http://smsng.co/sr

Source: Samsung Mobile YouTube