Hi Insiders!

Today we’ll be sending out Xbox Live messages to Xbox Insiders who submitted feedback that proved valuable in addressing an Xbox One issue. This will be the third round of these messages, which are typically sent a few times per year and generally after an Xbox One build is released to the public. In recognition of the outstanding feedback that you’ve submitted, we’re also awarding 25 XP to each recipient of the message. Additional XP may be awarded in cases where an individual user has submitted multiple bugs that helped address an issue. Feedback submitted by adding a +1 report to a known issue is not eligible for XP awards. Any other problem report, from users in any ring, is eligible.

So, what makes feedback valuable? More than anything else, a detailed description. To clear up a common misconception, length and detail are not the same thing. Helpful feedback can be short so long as it accurately describes the problem and how it was encountered. As an example, imagine you encounter an audio issue while playing a game. For the sake of our example, let’s say you encounter the issue while playing an Xbox Insider Team favorite: “LocoCycle.” Consider the following two descriptions:

  1. “I was playing LocoCycle and the audio was garbled. All my other games work so it’s not my sound system.”
  2. “After taking the latest update, audio while playing LocoCycle was garbled after starting a cutscene. I’m using bitstream out over optical connected to a receiver.”

The second description is only 5 words longer than the first; however, it contains significantly more detail about what, when, and how the issue was encountered, along with relevant information about the audio configuration on the console.

For more info on how to “report a problem” and what makes those reports especially helpful, check out the links below.

As always, thanks for being Xbox Insiders!

– Leland


Learn more:

How to provide feedback as an Xbox Insider

“Report a problem” like a Rockstar

See the rest of the story on Xbox Wire

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Source: Xbox Blog