Re-Rewind: Relive your youth with Your Time Capsule on Spotify

Everyone loves to reminisce about the past. Spotify knows this; it’s why the company has just made donning the nostalgia glasses and diving into yesteryear easy as pie with its new Your Time Capsule playlist.

Ready to strap in, tune in and head back in time this #ThrowbackThursday? Red on for all the details…

Let’s do the Time Warp again…

Your Time Capsule is a personalised playlist designed to remind you of the songs you loved way back when. To get yours, all you need to do is open the Spotify app on your phone and you’ll find it on the home screen under ‘Made For You’. Or, you can head over to and click ‘Get Playlist’. Spotify will then scour its memory banks for songs that it thinks meant a lot to you back in the day, and serve up a couple of hours of absolute classics.

So how does it work, and how does it tell the tracks you used to love from the ones you used to scoff at? Well, Spotify says it’s a smart mix of machine and human systems working together:

“First we take a look at demographic information like your age and country to identify a base list of nostalgic tracks,” says the streaming giant. “From there, we cross-reference it with your current listening patterns and a little bit of magic to come up with the final, personalized list.

Re-Rewind: Relive your youth with Your Time Capsule on Spotify

“We believe that the hybrid of man and machine leads to really incredible outcomes. Our global team of expert curators helped us tailor the final algorithm, so it was truly a team effort.”

The result should be a playlist crammed full of pivotal songs from your formative years. Check yours out here:

Get your Time Capsule playlist!
Go back in time with Spotify’s newest list of tailored tunes


“Personalized playlists are a huge differentiator for us,” Spotify says, “so we’re constantly trying to come up with new ideas. With Time Capsule, we wanted to tap into our users’ feelings of nostalgia and experiment with how we might be able to transport them back in time.

“We also believe really strongly in the power of surprising and delighting our users from time to time. We did this with Your Summer Rewind, another personalised playlist we launched in June, but wanted to do it again with Your Time Capsule.”

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Source: Official Vodafone Blog