Previewing SDC19’s Can’t-miss Sessions


In less than a week, thousands of individuals from around the world will gather in San Jose, California to take part in the sixth annual Samsung Developer Conference (SDC). Held from October 29–30 at the San Jose Convention Center, this year’s showcase of the latest trends in tech will offer creators and developers an opportunity to get to know Samsung innovations that will allow them to take consumers’ AI and IoT experiences to the next level.


A wide variety of sessions – led by Samsung and tech industry leaders – will offer attendees a first look at the company’s latest SDKs and dev tools, as well as exclusive previews of cutting-edge advancements in the fields of AI, 5G, secure solutions and more.


Read on for our roundup of SDC19 sessions that attendees won’t want to miss.




Previewing SDC19’s Can’t-miss Sessions


SDC19 features a variety of sessions that showcase just how easy it is to develop seamless device experiences using Samsung’s open AI platform, Bixby. Included among these are:


  • Game Changing Voice Assistant: Industry Perspectives
    Listen to industry leaders and premier developers share their experiences developing Bixby Capsules and scaling their services for the Bixby experience. Speakers will discuss the platform’s ability to drive business growth, and outline their vision for the future of intelligent voice assistants.


  • Building Bixby Conversational Experiences for Devices with and without Screens
    This session will explore how Bixby behaves across devices both with and without screens, and discuss how to provide the best user experience for multiple devices. Learn from the best Bixby engineers in the world how to account for the many interfaces you’ll encounter in the Bixby device ecosystem.


  • Bixby Developer Center and Marketplace
    Learn how to configure and submit Bixby Capsules for launch in the Bixby Marketplace, and how to set up teams for seamless collaboration. Plus, gain insight and access to Samsung’s exclusive Bixby Premier Developer Program.




The 5G era is officially upon us, and at SDC19, Samsung is spotlighting some of the incredible opportunities that 5G connectivity offers businesses and developers. Those in attendance should be sure to check out:


  • Unleashing Business with 5G Solutions
    This session offers valuable insights into how 5G will transform enterprises and businesses. Beyond the increase in speed, 5G will remove a wide range of existing limitations. Speakers will discuss 5G’s impact on key industries, offer predictions for the future, and share how developers can use these insights to identify new opportunities for B2B app development.


  • Making 5G Wireless Technology a Reality and Initiatives Towards 6G
    The 5G platform is expected to play a critical role in connecting devices not just in the home, but across a wide range of industries. This session will explore Samsung’s 5G leadership, chart 5G’s evolution, and outline Samsung’s vision for the next generation of wireless technology: 6G.




SDC19 features several sessions that underscore Samsung’s commitment to providing comprehensive security. Notable sessions include:


Previewing SDC19’s Can’t-miss Sessions


  • Is Your Code Secure? Automatic Security Analysis Tools and Systems
    This session will introduce Samsung’s automatic analysis tools and systems for detecting security vulnerabilities and weaknesses in developed software. Discover how Samsung utilizes these tools, and learn how to make your code more secure.


  • Samsung Blockchain Is Open for Partnerships
    Samsung believes in an open environment and embraces the idea that a decentralized world will revolutionize how we interact, work and play. This engaging session will outline the company’s approach to blockchain technology, and examine its efforts to further this revolution through collaboration with developers.



Enterprise Solutions

In addition to serving as a platform for partners and developers to unlock exciting business opportunities, SDC19 will showcase Samsung collaborations that are redefining what’s possible for enterprises. Notable sessions include:


  • How AI Can Improve Operational Effectiveness, Safety and Wellbeing
    IBM and Samsung are expanding a decades-long partnership. This session will discuss the companies’ shared objective – to bring their combined innovation capabilities from the lab to your daily life – and showcase examples of this reinforced cooperation.


  • Knox Partner Program and Knox Dev Tools
    This session will introduce the mobile enterprise-focused Knox Partner Program, which places a wide range of valuable resources and B2B dev tools – including EMM, Mobile Threat Detection, Remote Control and Secure Voice – at developers’ fingertips.



IoT (the Internet of Things)

This year at SDC, Samsung will introduce enhancements to its open IoT platform, SmartThings, that will enable partners and developers to enrich people’s lives with better connected living experiences. Highlighted sessions include:


  • IoT 2.0: The Next Phase of IoT Engagement and Growth
    Learn more about SmartThings, its services and devices, and Samsung’s plans for the platform going forward. Find out how to join the SmartThings ecosystem, and how Samsung improved the platform to help partners and developers grow their businesses.


  • Digital Marketing and e-Commerce Development for Smart Appliances
    Whether it’s e-commerce or digital content, developers are leveraging IoT and emerging technology to drive innovation and offer consumers additional convenience. Find out how partners are working hand-in-hand with Samsung to make this happen through collaborative development.



And Much More

All in all, SDC19 features more than 90 sessions covering a wide range of important subjects – including, in addition to those listed above, topics like developing apps for foldable devices, 8K content streaming, and Samsung’s One UI. Notable sessions include:


  • More Than Foldables: Android Apps for Foldables and Larger Screens
    Android apps are now available on more than just single and small screens. Consumers are increasingly demanding versatility in screens, and this broadening device landscape is fueling a shift toward more immersive and productive usage. This interactive session will offer insights from Samsung, Google, VSCO and top developers on how to make your applications work well across multiple form factors, including foldables, tablets and desktops. Listen to experts share best practices on improving the user experience, expanding your audience, and increasing engagement across screens and devices.


  • One UI : Designed for Everyday Simplicity
    Since introducing One UI at SDC18, Samsung has been hard at work refining its signature mobile software in ways that enhance users’ daily lives. Join this session for a deep dive into One UI 2’s design principles and visual language, and examine Samsung’s vision as well as its progress toward creating a single, unified user experience.


  • 8K Streaming, Low-Latency Livestreaming, and AI Streaming
    This session will discuss Samsung’s collaborations with various content and service providers on 8K streaming services. Discover how to integrate 8K streaming support into new and existing apps, and learn how Samsung’s neural network-based AI streaming technology intelligently scales images and videos in order to dramatically improve image quality and enable users to enjoy more 8K content.


More details on these and other SDC19 sessions may be found here. And don’t forget to follow @samsung_dev on Twitter and keep an eye on the hashtag #SDC19 for the latest news and updates from San Jose.

Source: Samsung Mobile Blog