Ask Fitbit: How Can I Keep My Stats Private?

Ask Fitbit: How Can I Keep My Stats Private?

Go incognito

Ask Fitbit: How Can I Keep My Stats Private?

ANSWER: With all of the scary headlines about data leaks these days, it’s comforting to know you’re in control of who can see your Fitbit data. All of your privacy settings can be adjusted right from the app. To go completely incognito, take the following steps:

  1. Edit your profile. From the Fitbit app dashboard, tap the Account icon and then the tile with your name and then the gear icon. From here, tap each row to delete or adjust each component of your profile.
  2. Make all your personal stats private. After you finish editing your profile, tap Done and you’ll be taken back to your profile page. Tap Personal Stats and then, again, go row by row to select “Private” for each one. When you’re finished, tap Back.
  3. Hide Badges and Trophies. Beneath Personal Stats, you’ll see Badges and Trophies. Windows and iOS users can tap this tile and then choose Privacy Setting and “Private” to opt out of sharing their Badges and Trophies. If you’re an Android users, you’ll have to choose the gear icon after tapping “Badges and Trophies.” Hit Save and then Back.
  4. Leave Community Groups. If you’d also like to make it harder for people to find you, select Groups, and then swipe left on each group to leave it. When you’re finished, tap Back.
  5. Stop Sharing Your Friends List. Under “Friends” on your profile page, select Privacy Setting and then Private. Hit Save and you’ll be taken back to your profile page. From here, you can also remove or block friends. Just tap their name, and then the three dots at the top right of the screen and select Remove or Block.

If you ever change your mind, you can adjust these settings by following these same steps. Just be aware that you can only change your Display Name once every 60 days.

The post Ask Fitbit: How Can I Keep My Stats Private? appeared first on Fitbit Blog.

Ask Fitbit: How Can I Keep My Stats Private?

Source: Fitbit Blog

Bringing WebVR to everyone with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Bringing WebVR to everyone with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Last April, we introduced the WebVR 1.1 API in Microsoft Edge as part of the Windows Creators Update, providing a foundation for developers to create immersive virtual reality experiences with Windows Mixed Reality developer kits. We have been hard at work building on this foundation to provide an end-to-end mixed reality experience with Microsoft Edge, WebVR, and Windows Mixed Reality, in line with our goal to democratize virtual reality this holiday.

On October 17th, EdgeHTML 16 will be released with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, and the era of Windows Mixed Reality begins as headsets and motion controllers become widely available, enabling low-cost, immersive experiences with WebVR in Microsoft Edge.

In anticipation of this upcoming release, we’re excited to announce (with big thanks to the community and contributors involved) that the popular WebVR frameworks A-Frame, BabylonJS, ReactVR and three.js have now added support for the Windows Mixed Reality platform to their current and upcoming releases.

Version Immersive View WebGL context switching Motion Controllers
babylonjs logo master
A-Frame Logo 0.7.0
Threejs Logo R88*
ReactVR logo 2.0.0

* Upcoming release

In EdgeHTML 16, we’ve made a few updates to our WebVR 1.1 implementation that you should be aware of, starting with added support for Windows Mixed Reality motion controllers.

New support for motion controllers

Developers now have the tools to create fully interactive, immersive experiences on the web with our new support for Windows Mixed Reality motion controllers.

Photo of Windows Mixed Reality motion controllers

When a site is presenting to a headset, connected motion controllers will be available via the Gamepad API.

Adding support to the browser is only half of the story. We have been working with 3rd party middleware libraries to make sure that integrating support for motion controllers into your experience is as seamless a process as possible.

Current releases of both BabylonJS and A-Frame have full support for Windows Mixed Reality headsets and motion controllers.

Controller support includes detection of connected motion controllers, rendering accurate representations of the controllers into the scene, mapping button presses to actions and casting pointing rays into the scene for point-and-commit interactions. For added realism, the controller models animate the buttons and thumbsticks as the devices are manipulated:

Image: Hotel Room, Reno, Nevada / Bob Dass / Creative Commons 2.0

Added support for more Windows Mixed Reality PCs

Windows Mixed Reality supports a wide range of desktop and laptop hardware, with many graphics card configurations. Microsoft Edge has extended support for running WebVR experiences on this broad range of hardware – including machines with multiple graphics cards.

To leverage this support as a WebVR application developer, make sure that you are using the most up to date version of BabylonJS, A-Frame (0.7.0), three.js (r87), ReactVR (2.0.0).

If you are using WebGL directly rather than through one of these libraries, you’ll need to handle the WebGL Context Lost and Context Restored events to take advantage of this wider range of hardware.

The first immersive experience that lets you enjoy the entire Web

Microsoft Edge is now the first stable browser to ship comprehensive support for Virtual Reality.  From within your headset you can view traditional 2D websites, manage your favorites, create new tabs (including InPrivate tabs), and seamlessly transition into WebVR experiences.  And when browsing with Microsoft Edge on the Desktop, you’re still only one click away from launching WebVR content directly into your headset.

Because Microsoft Edge is built on the Universal Windows Platform, it can be used alongside the thousands of other apps supported by Windows Mixed Reality out of the box.

Screen capture showing Microsoft Edge running in 2D inside a Mixed Reality headset

When you encounter a WebVR experience in Microsoft Edge within Mixed Reality, you can seamlessly transition from a 2D page to an immersive experience and back again without ever switching apps or leaving your headset.

Start developing today!

Our updated WebVR implementation is coming in EdgeHTML 16 with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, which will be released alongside new Windows Mixed Reality headsets and motion controllers on October 17th. Developers can get started building for WebVR today (no headset required!) via the Windows Insider Program, using the built-in Mixed Reality Simulator. Or, if you have an Acer or HP developer kit, you can try out Mixed Reality today!

You can learn more about the WebVR API with our documentation online, where you’ll find everything you need to get started, including a checklist of things to consider when creating a WebVR experience.

More Information

Finally, check out the talk that Nell Waliczek and Lewis Weaver recently gave at the Microsoft Edge Web Summit for an overview of WebVR, a deep dive into how to use the APIs, and some more good practices and resources:

We can’t wait to see what you build!

Lewis Weaver, Program Manager, WebVR
Nell Waliczek, Principal Software Engineering Lead, WebVR

Source: Windows Blog

Windows Developer Day in London – Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK Availability

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update provides a developer platform that is designed to inspire the creator in each of us – empowering developers to build applications that change the way people work, play and interact with devices. To truly fulfill this platform promise, I believe that our developer platform needs to be centered around people and their needs.  Technology should adapt and learn how to work with us.

As we showed at Microsoft Build in May, the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK delivers thousands of new capabilities and improvements that support this promise. Today, at Windows Developer Day in London, we’re celebrating three areas that help you, our developer partners:

  • Create inspiring experiences using the next revolution in technology – Mixed Reality
  • Modernize applications for the modern workplace
  • Build and monetize your games and applications

I’m pleased to share with you that you can get started now by downloading the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK. Windows 10 adoption has been incredible – with more than 500 million monthly active devices. We are also seeing devices staying current with the latest updates faster than ever, with the majority of devices running the latest updates in less than 6 months, and over eighty percent of devices running the latest update in less than a year. We can’t wait to see the next wave of innovation enabled by the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK.

Create inspiring experiences using the next revolution in technology – Mixed Reality

The next revolution of computing is Mixed Reality. Microsoft is the only company embracing the entire continuum for mixed reality, from augmented reality to virtual reality and everything in between. Windows 10 was designed from ground up for spatial interactions and the next wave in this journey is Windows Mixed Reality, uniting the digital and real world to create a rich, immersive world. As humans, we interact with space constantly, and Windows Mixed Reality will feel the most natural for users. With HoloLens, we have already demonstrated unrivaled innovation that is transforming industries. Now, our immersive headsets offer unrivaled experiences.

For developers, Windows Mixed Reality offers unique opportunities.

  1. Our unified platform maximizes reuse across platforms and device form factors
  2. Windows Mixed Reality provides reach on the broadest range of devices
  3. Our Microsoft Store provides an unrivaled discovery opportunity
  4. Millions of people come to the Store every day to get an application from our broad catalog

Modernize applications for the modern workplace

With the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK, developers can easily create a new or update an existing application to support modern experiences that employees need, or customers expect.

Modernizing your deployment

The deployment system in Windows 10 has been significantly enhanced to help your users start using your application quicker and easier. This starts with the ability to only download the delta between updates, the updated bits versus the entire package to your end user. In addition, you can break up your application into components to allow streaming install. This will allow your application to work before your user has the entire application installed.

To assist with this modernization, the Fall Creators Update introduces the Windows application packaging project with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.4. This new project allows developers to utilize the app packaging without having to convert your existing installer. Just add the project and you’re done. Once your application is using the modernized installer, you now have access to all the APIs that have been added to the Windows Platform. For example, integration with Windows Hello to assist with security, action center integration to assist with engagement, and cross-device capabilities provided with device relay and activity feed.

Another major investment has been the integration of .NET Standard 2.0 which enables developers to reuse their code across platforms and devices with Visual Studio and integrates the vast array of libraries available in the open source community built on .NET.

Fluent Design System

The Fluent Design System is the evolution of Microsoft’s approach to creating the very best user experiences. Experiences with Fluent Design feel natural on the device you’re using, whether it’s a large screen desktop with keyboard, a laptop or tablet with touch, a mixed reality headset, or one of many other computing form factors. Applications using Fluent Design are optimized for consuming content and are efficient and powerful to use for creating and collaborating, and they help you to achieve more… they are experiences you love to use!

For developers, the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update provides a comprehensive solution for creating applications with Fluent Design in a way that’s simple, powerful and flexible to your needs. It includes UX building blocks, guidelines, samples, tools, and a community to help you build the best experiences for your customers. Here are some highlights:

  • The Navigation View control provides an easy, consistent home for getting around your app.
  • Acrylic Material gives you a rich new visual building block that helps you create information hierarchy and greater immersion in your app.
  • The Reveal Highlight interaction visualization built into many controls helps your experience feel natural to use across as disparate inputs as mouse, pen, touch and gaze.
  • Connected Animations aid usability by preserving context and increasing engagement, and are so easy to adopt incrementally.
  • Gesture Actions like swipe build on familiar patterns to help users efficiently and naturally get stuff done.

Learn more about all the different building blocks and features you can take advantage of at:

Device Relay and Activity Feed

Microsoft Graph and Project Rome enable new and exciting ways to drive user engagement across apps, devices and platforms. Device relay allows your customers to continue what they’re doing right now, but on a different device and Activity Feed, allows them to pick up an activity they were doing in the past, and continuing it now or sometime in the future.

Helping your customers stay connected to what they need to do right now isn’t as easy as it used to be. People have multiple devices they switch between and they expect them to all work together. Using the Remote Systems and Remote Sessions APIs, you can do truly delightful device relay scenarios to help your customers use the right device for the task.  The Remote Systems APIs enable you to communicate with the user’s devices across Windows, Android and iOS.

With the Activity Feed, you can keep your customers engaged and help them resume what they need to do next. Your customers can’t always finish what they were doing in a task or session in your app, but you can still help them pick up where they left off between devices and experiences by simply adding an activity to the Activity Feed using the UserActivity API.

Build and monetize your games and applications

Lastly, with the Expanded Resources feature in the Fall Xbox One Update, we’ve made another investment in the promise to open Xbox One to UWP game developers who want to build more immersive experiences. Now, developers will automatically have access to 6 exclusive cores, 5 GB of ram and full access to the GPU with DX12! We designed Visual Studio 2017 with game developers in mind! We built a brand-new work-load based installer in Visual Studio 2017, which optimizes the install experience for game developers, so you get everything you need and nothing you don’t.

We recently launched the Xbox Live Creators Program, and this gives anyone the ability to build and publish games for the Xbox One family of devices and Windows 10 PCs. You don’t have to go through concept approval, and the certification is simplified. What’s more is that you are able to leverage select Xbox Live features like stats, leaderboards and cloud saves. We have added more monetization options and tools in Microsoft Store. Interactivity is the future of live streaming and Mixer is our fast and interactive live streaming platform. We have the Mixer SDKs for the major game engines and languages and you can make something cool in less than an hour. Our goal is to create a community of indie game developers. We want to foster open discussions between developers and Windows, and each other. With that in mind, we are bringing back Dream.Build.Play in 2017. The 2017 Challenge has a prize pool over $225,000 (USD), with several categories.

Community and thanks

We were pleased today to have been joined on stage in London by two creative partners building UWPs for unique and innovative experiences.  Black Marble, a UK based developer is building on its history of simplifying law enforcement experiences with a new Mixed Reality UWP to bring MR to courtrooms. Texthelp, another UK based company, showcased a UWP application and Edge extension that helps improve reading and writing comprehension for children with dyslexia and students learning in a second language. Texthelp has also announced a new app, EquatIO, which assists learning in mathematics.

Whether you’re building immersive experiences for Windows Mixed Reality, games, education or business applications, community is crucial to the Windows developer platform. I’d also like to take a moment to thank all developers who are participating Windows Insiders Program and have been using the Fall Creators Update Preview SDK. We value your insight and suggestions, as well as your feedback.

I look forward to seeing what you create with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK. The Windows Dev Center is open now for submissions to the Microsoft Store! For more details, go to

Source: Windows Blog

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Available Now on Xbox One and Windows 10

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Available Now on Xbox One and Windows 10

It’s time to emerge from the shadows and enter the battle as Middle-earth: Shadow of War is now available on Xbox One and Windows 10 as an Xbox Play Anywhere title — buy once and play on both console and PC. Continue the story of Talion, a ranger for Gondor, and the spirit of Celebrimbor, the elf lord responsible for the creation of the ring of power. Together you’ll harness a new ring in the hopes of defeating the Dark Lord Sauron once and for all.

As the epic sequel to the award-winning Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, you will travel across enemy lines to assemble a new army of orcs and attempt to dominate the land of Mordor from within its walls. With an enhanced version of the award-winning Nemesis System, Middle-earth will be affecting by all your successes (and failures) in battle, creating unique and personal stories for every enemy and follower you encounter.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Screenshot

And based on some of the exciting footage we’ve seen over the past several months, you can also expect to ride a drake into battle, explore a variety of different terrain, and face off with the infamous Balrog.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War is available for Xbox One and Windows 10 in a variety of versions on the Xbox Store. The Silver Edition comes with the Slaughter Tribe and Outlaw Tribe expansions, featuring new enemies and followers, and the Gold Edition features additional story content (available in the coming months) and all features listed above.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Screenshot

Shadow of War will also be Xbox One X Enhanced when the world’s most powerful console hits store shelves on November 7. If you’re planning to pick up an Xbox One X, all the enhancements like 4K and HDR support for Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be free to download and will not require a separate purchase of the game — all Xbox One games will work on Xbox One X.

Now pick up your sword, mount your caragor, and equip your ring of power. It’s time to conquer Mordor!

See the rest of the story on Xbox Wire

Play Ghost Recon Wildlands for Free This Weekend with Xbox Live Gold
The Culling Graduates from Xbox Game Preview
Creating the Fast-Paced Pixel Art Shoot ‘Em Up Let Them Come

Source: Xbox Blog

Nokia AirFrame data center powered by MIKA

Nokia AirFrame data center powered by MIKA

Nokia AirFrame data center powered by MIKA

Data center management has never been easier! Find out how AI and augmented reality can help you with every day management of your data center. Nokia Data Center Manager enhanced with MIKA, the first digital assistant for data center management, simplifies the complexity of infrastructure management.

Source: Nokia YouTube

LIGHTFIELD- Accolades | PS4

LIGHTFIELD- Accolades | PS4

LIGHTFIELD- Accolades | PS4

A wild mix of Parkour, free flying and classic arcade racing, LIGHTFIELD propels you into twisting and turning race tracks full of impossible architecture and driving electronic music. Explore the world beyond the race tracks and always try to find new and even faster lines through the levels.!/en-us/games/lightfield/cid=UP2429-CUSA07946_00-0000000000000001

Source: Playstation YouTube