8 Trainer Tips To Shave Time Off Your Workout

8 Trainer Tips To Shave Time Off Your Workout

woman checks fitbit while exercisingIt’s one of the easiest excuses in the world for why you can’t work out: You’re just too busy. But before you blame the clockor your mile-long to do listrethink your training. Don’t be so quick to assume you can’t squeeze in exercise. “People think a workout needs to be a full hour to be effective, but that’s a huge misconception,” says Erin Schirack, director of cycle at Studio Three in Chicago. “It doesn’t need to take that much time!” So how do you get in and out of the gym a lot faster? Use these tips to shave time off your workout, banishing the “no time” excuse forever

1. Have a plan.  A lot of time can be wasted wandering around the gym, heading from machine to machine, and wondering what you should do next. Cut down on waste by planning your training before you even lace up. “I take a notepad and write out exactly what I want to do beforehand,” says Schirack. “I’ll pick three exercises, like squats, push-ups, and side planks, and do a circuit of those moves three times.”

2. Get your music ready to go. It seems simple, but having a playlist queued up cuts back on time wasted browsing through your playlist. Not only can it help make exercise feel easier (and lower the perceived rate of exertion), but music can also make you more powerful in your movement and even increase your speed; just be sure to choose an upbeat song. Need help on where to start? Check out these playlists that are guaranteed to get you through any workout.

3. Reduce distractions. “People like to talk at the gym—it can be a very social place—so I put headphones in even if I’m not listening to music,” says Karen Lee, a Tier 3 Plus trainer and master instructor at Equinox River Oaks in Houston. “This keeps me focused so I can get in and get out without socializing.” Other tips to help you keep your mind on your muscles and your muscles on your mind: put your phone on vibrate, leave your daily worries and stressors outside the gym doors, and use visualization techniques to help you focus on the mind-muscle connection.

4. Avoid moves that only target one muscle. There’s a time and place for single body part movements, but if you’re aiming for efficiency, switch to compound movements to get the most bang for your buck. “Instead of doing 20 sit-ups, do a plank for 30 seconds,” says Schirack. “Holding a static plank works your core, arms, shoulders, glutes, and upper back at the same time.” Other compound movements that can help shave time off of your routine: dips (which train chest, triceps, and shoulders), bench presses (which target the chest, shoulders, triceps, and back), and squats (which hit quads, glutes, and even encourages you to work on core stabilization).

5. Work out with heavier weights. Doing a lot of reps with five-pound weights takes a lot longer than doing few reps with 20-pound weights. Going heavier allows you to challenge yourself in a shorter amount of time, just make sure you’re maintaining proper form and go until you can’t do another rep.

6. Get your cardio in with high-intensity bursts. Steady-state cardio has its benefits, but slogging along on the treadmill at a walking pace can get old fast. Change things up by adding in higher-intensity cardio bursts. Not only will your cardio breeze by but because of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC),  you’ll also burn calories long after your sweat session has ended.  It doesn’t have to be complicated either. “Even just jumping rope for two minutes will get your heart rate way up,” says Schirack.

7. Do supersets when strength training. “People waste a huge amount of time at the gym resting between sets,” says Schirack. “There’s no need! Pick two moves that work different body parts—like squats and push-ups—and alternate them so you’re not just sitting around.” By shortening your rest period you’ll increase the intensity and perform more work in less time.

8. Sign up for a shorter class. “Many gyms offer class formats that are as short as 25 or 30 minutes,” says Lee. “Take one of those and you don’t have to think about anything—your trainer creates a routine, gives you instruction, and makes sure you’re doing the moves correctly.” Not sure what classes are available in your area? Check out the MINDBODY app to find and book classes nearby. (Be sure to connect it to your Fitbit account to automatically track your results from each workout.)


The post 8 Trainer Tips To Shave Time Off Your Workout appeared first on Fitbit Blog.

8 Trainer Tips To Shave Time Off Your Workout

Source: Fitbit Blog

Apple Music — Give Me Future — Official Trailer

Apple Music — Give Me Future — Official Trailer

Apple Music — Give Me Future — Official Trailer

November 17
Watch only on Apple Music.

In March 2016, following the restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, electronic dance music trio Major Lazer made history, becoming one of the first major American acts to play in the communist state. Unsure how their descent on Havana would be received and hoping to reach a few tens of thousands, the epic concert unexpectedly drew in close to half a million fans. Much more than a garden variety music film, “Give Me Future” begins as a behind-the-scenes look at the historic concert and evolves into a masterful exploration of Cuba’s inspirational youth movement and its ingenious DIY information culture. Capturing exhilarating performance footage and authentic stories highlighting the country’s cultural growth and desire for inclusion in the global community, director Austin Peters conjures a transcendent, rhythm-laced depiction of the powerful catalysts driving a country on the brink of change.

Source: Apple YouTube

GTA Online: Transform Races

GTA Online: Transform Races

GTA Online: Transform Races

Introducing new stunt races… with a twist. In Transform Races, vehicles change constantly – from bikes, to planes, to racing on water and more. Plus Warps add an extra layer of chaos, teleporting you to a completely different location mid-race for added calamity.

Play Transform Races in GTA Online now.


Source: XBOX YouTube

The Green Bay Packers and Microsoft team up to bring the world’s innovations and tech expertise to the heart of Wisconsin

The Green Bay Packers and Microsoft team up to bring the world’s innovations and tech expertise to the heart of Wisconsin

Access to the latest digital tools, technology know-how, and funding is critical to starting and running a successful business or organization in the 21st century. Today we’re teaming together to help accelerate technology innovation in the Fox River Valley and across Wisconsin, with our news that we’re founding and launching TitletownTech. Based at the Packers’ new Titletown District, we believe it’s an important initiative that can add a new element to the community and help contribute to the region’s economic growth.

By combining the Packers’ commitment to community engagement with Microsoft’s technology expertise, TitletownTech represents a one-of-a kind partnership that will bring the latest digital innovations and expertise to a state-of-the-art lab.  TitletownTech will be based in a new building at Titletown, where it will offer collaborate work space, the latest technology tools and services, and access to advisors and mentors, including Microsoft Fellows who are employees at the company working from across the country.

TitletownTech will function as part incubator to launch fledgling firms, part venture capital to advance emerging ideas, and part accelerator for existing businesses looking to digitally transform their products, services and operations. The TitletownTech Labs will create new opportunities for local firms involved in manufacturing, the paper industry, agriculture, sports, healthcare, insurance, and other parts of the regional economy to develop innovative technology solutions they can take back into their own enterprises.

In addition, the TitletownTech Venture Capital Fund will invest in and provide capital to help launch new companies that participate in the TitletownTech Accelerator. The Packers and Microsoft are the first two entities to commit investments to this Fund, with an opportunity for participation by additional investors. Our two organizations will donate all of our profits and capital returns from the Venture Capital Fund to philanthropic causes or additional economic development.

Rendering of the building where TitletownTech will be hosted, within the Titletown District next to Lambeau Field.

Design concepts are underway for the building that will house TitletownTech, which will open next fall in the Packers’ Titletown District, a major new development intended to spur additional regional economic growth and complement the Greater Green Bay area’s draw as a prime location to live and work.

We’re committed to ensuring that TitletownTech contributes to the next chapter of technology innovation in our region. The Fox River Valley is steeped in a rich history of innovation and entrepreneurialism, predating even the founding of the Green Bay Packers. Economic development in the region took off in part when Appleton became one of the first places in the world in the 1880s to build a hydroelectric dam, use its power to light businesses and homes, and run electric streetcars. We now have the opportunity to build on this legacy. By bringing our two world-class teams together, we believe TitletownTech can contribute to an accelerating new wave of innovation in Wisconsin and even provide learning for fostering economic development in other parts of the country.

For more information about TitletownTech, check out the press release: here.

The post The Green Bay Packers and Microsoft team up to bring the world’s innovations and tech expertise to the heart of Wisconsin appeared first on The Official Microsoft Blog.

Source: The Official Microsoft Blog

This Week on Windows: The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Surface Book 2 and more

This Week on Windows: The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Surface Book 2 and more

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode of This Week on Windows, where we’re talking about the new Surface Book 2 and everything in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update! Head over here to read more about this week’s news, check out the Surface Book 2, or, find out what’s new in the Fall Creators Update.

In case you missed it:

Here’s what’s new in the Windows Store:

 Happy Hallowdays

 Happy Hallowdays

Spook up your Halloween with this Collection of terrifying games, chilling entertainment, and haunting apps – on sale now through Oct. 31, 2017.

The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower

The fate of worlds lies with the last Gunslinger (Idris Elba), the only one who can defend the Dark Tower – which holds the universe together – from the Man in Black (Matthew McConaughey). Watch good and evil collide in The Dark Tower ($14.99 HD/SD), based on the best-selling book series by Stephen King. Get it now in the Movies & TV section of the Windows Store, two full weeks before it comes to Blu-ray!



For a shattering combo of racing and rhythm games, Thumper ($19.99) sets a new bar, with classic rhythm action, blistering speed and brutal physicality. You are a space beetle, screaming down an endless track and crashing through punishing obstacles with simple, airtight controls.

Have a great weekend!

Source: Windows Blog