Twitter: @t_madarasz

In our digital age, a broadband connection is increasingly seen as a basic necessity, just like any other public utility. In fact, affordable universal internet access for all by 2020 is one of the UN global goals. But how can we ensure that everyone can get broadband, even in difficult to reach areas? In some rural and suburban locations, access is simply not available because of a lack of fiber or DSL. In addition, the nearest base station can often be a long way from the a subscriber’s home or office.

To meet these needs, Nokia has developed a specialized solution known as FastMile that offers broadband connectivity everywhere and to everybody. Using the latest LTE-Advanced technology and high-gain antennas with beamsteering, full use can be made of existing radio infrastructure and already purchased spectrum, even over long distances. With beamsteering, the narrow beam high gain antenna locks onto the signal, increasing coverage and reducing interference.

Frequency bands around 1.8 GHz or above are not used in rural areas by today’s mobile networks. However, these now become possible with FastMile, allowing operators to provide fast broadband services in rural areas to gain additional customers and revenue.

Here’s how it works. An outdoor modem provides the optimal radio link, while an indoor router creates the necessary wired and wireless connectivity to the devices within the building. The solution also incorporates a controller for full management of the network and offers customers a guaranteed bitrate.

The solution can be deployed very easily, even without the help of installation experts. Mobile applications support users by integrating the maps and base station locations to select the best location and direction for the outdoor modem. Tests show that FastMile can be up and working in only 15 minutes. The indoor router and the in-building settings can also be managed using mobile applications.

The solution enables the levels of connectivity specified in various National Broadband Plans around the world to be met with wireless technology.It provides up to 12 times the typical radio coverage area and three times the throughput compared to that offered by a standard mobile broadband network.

No longer is creating a digital home and digital enterprise exclusive to cities and dense areas…Now we have the means to  help break down barriers and help connect the unconnected.

No more limits with wireless for digital homes and enterprises

Welcome to Broadband World Forum 2017

This week at BBWF 2017, Nokia will be demonstrating how operators can make full use of their existing resources with FastMile.

Visit our FastMile webpage for more information.

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No more limits with wireless for digital homes and enterprises

No more limits with wireless for digital homes and enterprises

Source: Nokia Networks