Starting at 2:00 p.m. PDT today, members of the Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring will begin receiving the latest 1810 Xbox One system update (180907-1908). Read on for more about the fixes and known issues in the latest 1810 system update.




  • Official Club pages that allow users to switch games within the Club Twist will appear with game titles that blend into the background.

Dolby Vision

  • We have confirmed that the Netflix app does leave Dolby Vision on in the App – This is by design by Netflix.
  • We have confirmed that some users are encountering graphical issues when exiting the Netflix application with Dolby Vision enabled. We have determined that this is users with LG TVs and LG is aware of the issue, it is a TV issue and not the Xbox Platform.


  • Fixes to resolve an error that was being displayed when a user launched an app that was being installed.


  • Fixes to resolve the Alerts tab in Guide when a user would select “see all alerts” and receive an error.

My Games & Apps

  • The EA Access and the Shudder App being unresponsive is now fixed when navigating in the apps.
  • UI fixes to the Memberships tabs to fix alignment issues.
  • We have fixed the following Media apps from crashing. The apps are Demand 5, Orange, CTV Go on XBox One, SEGO, TMN GO, Foxtel Play, Halo Channel, TSN on Xbox One.
  • Users should no longer have a game/app crash if you start a new game then launch the YouTube app. Users are now also able to launch the Youtube app then launch a New game as it did crash.
  • We fixed the issues when you are in the Youtube app and then Resume to a Game the app/game would have resulted in the console hanging or crash.


  • Fixes to Notifications to correctly show when a user plugs in/or out an external HDD or USB drive.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect notifications stating that you need to clear more free space when installing some games and your console has sufficient space to install the game.


  • Users should no encounter stuttering when launching straight into Oneguide after the console is turned on from Instant on.


  • Fixes to the stability of the console going in and out of the Instant On power mode.
  • Localization fixes in this build.


Known Issues:



  • We are aware that some users are experiencing issues where mics do not work. Please ensure that your controller is running the latest Firmware (Settings – Kinect & Devices – Devices & Accessories) and be sure to file feedback using the “Report a problem” tool when you experience this issue.


  • We are aware that, in some instances, Avatar limbs (feet & hands) are pointing in unexpected directions and facial hair is appearing where it should not. Please file feedback should you experience this.
  • It can take up to 10 seconds to view an Avatar on the profile screen after creating a new Avatar.

Microsoft Edge

  • Microsoft Edge crashes for some users at random times.
  • The cursor may disappear when exiting and re-entering the app. Workaround: Press Y when re-entering the app to make the cursor re-appear

My Games & Apps

  • We are aware that some users are experiencing crashing of a game or the Youtube app when you are either launching or resuming the Youtube app.
  • If you are in the Youtube app and then Resume to a Game the app/game and console may hang or crash.


  • We are tracking an issue in which the console is fully powering off when it is placed into Instant On mode.

Profile Color

  • Sometimes users may encounter the incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.

Settings – Network Statistics

  • We are aware that the Detailed Network Statistics feature is not showing any data. This does not impact the consoles networking performance at all it is a UI bug.

Virtual Keyboard

  • We are aware that special characters appear incorrectly when using the Virtual Keyboard.
  • We are aware that the recently used emoji’s/characters are not present when you launch the VK again.

See the rest of the story on Xbox Wire

New Preview Alpha Skip Ahead 19H1 Build – 9/6/18
New Preview Beta & Delta (subset) 1810 Update – 9/1/18
New Preview Alpha and Alpha Skip Ahead 1810 Update – 8/31/18

Source: Xbox Blog