Starting at 2:00 p.m. PDT today, members of the Xbox One Preview Alpha and Alpha Skip Ahead Ring will begin receiving the latest Xbox One system update (1806.180621-1929). Read on for more about the fixes and known issues in the latest 1806 system update.




  • Fixed a UI bug with groups that resulted in the inbox apps showing a generic pin icon rather than the application artwork.

 My Games and Apps

  • Fixed an issue with various Games failing due launch or update correctly after a title update and users found that they had to reinstall the title.

Home – Alerts

  • Fixed an issue in which the clear all button/shortcut on the Alerts page was doing nothing for some users.

Home – Content

  • Fixed an issue in which the User was unable to navigate the add suggestions content on Home.


  • Various localization fixes across the console.

Networking – Wi-Fi

  • Fixed the network Wi-Fi drivers so that when a user resumes the console from Instant On they no longer experience the following Wi-Fi network issues:
    • Your Wi-Fi SSID is missing and/or
    • Your console having no Wi-Fi on resume and /or
    • Your console was unable to obtain an IP address from your Wi-Fi network.

System Performance

  • Misc. performance fixes in the platform.


Known Issues:


Game Pass Tab

  • Preview Alpha and Alpha – Skip Ahead users will notice that the Entertainment tab has been replaced on the dashboard with Game Pass content. This new tab allows for easy access to the Game Pass catalog and is only available in the US region at this time, so Preview Alpha and Alpha Skip Ahead Insiders in regions outside of the US will continue to see the Entertainment tab.


  • You may see issues with Groups if you frequently switch between your non-Preview console and your Preview console. Workaround: Reset your Groups locally on the Preview console through “My games & apps” > Groups, then using the “Reset groups” button at the bottom of the page to resync from the service.

Profile Color

  • Sometimes users may encounter an incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.

See the rest of the story on Xbox Wire

New Preview Alpha & Alpha Skip Ahead 1806 System Update – 6/22/18
New Preview Beta & Delta 1806 System Update – 6/21/18
New Preview Alpha & Alpha Skip Ahead 1806 System Update – 6/20/18

Source: Xbox Blog