Starting at 2:00 p.m. PDT today, members of the Xbox One Preview Alpha Ring will begin receiving the latest Xbox One system update (1805.180510-1632). Read on for more about the  fixes and known issues in the latest system update.




  • Various localization issues fixed in this build.


  • Fixed an issue in which some users were unable to read any Xbox Live messages.

 System Performance

  • Misc. performance fixes in the platform.


Known Issues:


Groups (For Preview Alpha users)

  • Preview Alpha users thanks for your feedback on Groups we are not expanding the feature to more users in Alpha today based on the feedback. Stay tuned for more information on expansion and thanks for flighting and the great feedback!
  • If you add an system app (anything pre-installed such as Settings, Edge, etc.) to a Group, the next system update will cause you to lose its image. Workaround: Remove from Group and re-add to bring back its image.
  • If you uninstall a game/app after previously adding it to a Group, it will lose its image. Workaround is to remove from Group and add it back. This is being investigated to be fixed for a later build.


  • Pi-hole users may encounter issues signing in, creating, or recovering accounts upon downloading the 1804 update. This is due to a new configuration file which is downloaded from a URL Pi-hole blocks by default.
  • Workaround: Add to the Pi-hole allowed IP address list.

Profile Color

  • Sometimes users may encounter an incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.


  • Work continues on the stability of the Wi-Fi connectivity.  If you see any issues please report the problems for investigation.


  • Some users are encountering an issue where their YouTube account is being signed out whenever they launch the app.
    • Workaround: Uninstall/re-install the app and sign in with your account again.

See the rest of the story on Xbox Wire

New Preview Alpha 1805 System Update – 5/10/18
New Preview Beta 1805 System Update – 5/10/18
Meet Catarina from the Xbox Live Social Team

Source: Xbox Blog