Hello everyone, I’m Kee Zhang from Hotta Studio. I’m incredibly excited to introduce our brand new title, Neverness to Everness, to PlayStation players today!

Neverness to Everness (NTE for short) is a supernatural urban open-world game set to release for free on PS5. You will step into the shoes of an Appraiser, embarking on an extraordinary supernatural adventure in the bustling metropolis of Hethereau.

Let’s dive into what makes this game unique.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Welcome to Hethereau, a city beyond the ordinary

You’ve probably played many city-based games, but Neverness to Everness offers a Hethereau that is both familiar and bizarre, yet convincingly real. In this open world, every moment is an adventure as you explore and live in this unique city.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

In Hethereau, you’ll encounter TV-headed otters, skateboarders creating graffiti on the street at midnight, and countless supernatural phenomena we call Anomalies. The origins of these anomalies are varied and remain unexplained. Encountering an anomaly in Hethereau is as common as breathing—hopefully, your first encounter won’t scare you.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Hethereau is also a living city. 

Operational shops and businesses: A complete business management system lets you purchase vehicles and property to enhance your city life.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Dynamic NPCs: The streets are filled with realistic pedestrians who have destinations and genuine actions. Most NPCs follow traffic rules, but if you disrupt the order, expect different reactions from them.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Authentic vehicles: You can modify and drive them, wreak havoc on the roads, or participate in races.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Anomalies: light comedy with a twist

A great open-world game needs a compelling story, and Neverness to Everness revolves around these anomalies. 

As the protagonist, you’ll debut in this anomaly-filled city as an appraiser at the antique shop “Eibon”, beginning an extraordinary daily life by nullifying and containing various anomalies.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Seeing anomalies in the city is like hearing a discordant note in a symphony—they stand out and offer rich, explorative content. We tell the story through episodic narratives with a light comedic touch, aiming to deliver vivid, nuanced storytelling and distinct character portrayals. Our goal is to spark players’ curiosity, maintain immersion, and drive a continuous desire for exploration.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Meet companions, battle with supernatural abilities

While exploring this urban open world, you’ll meet companions with various supernatural abilities to help you solve upcoming events. These abilities, known as Espers, are awakened powers in ordinary humans—some can utilize anti-gravity to climb high-rise buildings, unlocking new urban perspectives, while others can destroy environments, enhancing immersive realism.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

These abilities also shine in combat, creating “Esper Reactions” that are easy to master and make battles more exciting. With great Esper comes great responsibility—the safety of Hethereau relies on you and your companions.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Building Hethereau with cutting-edge technology

Hethereau combines cutting-edge technology with the latest trends. To achieve our desired effects and make the city scenes more realistic, we used Unreal Engine 5 to construct the city’s framework and leveraged Nanite virtualized geometry technology to significantly enhance scene realism. We will also continue optimizing for the PlayStation platform to ensure an exceptional player experience.

Neverness to Everness gameplay showcases supernatural urban open-world RPG, coming to PS5

Neverness to Everness has been in development for a while, and Hethereau has been built from scratch. This city will continue to grow, with more residents and features added over time. 

Thank you to every player who has followed our journey, stay tuned for more news about Neverness to Everness.

Source: Playstation Blog