Microsoft Edge joins AppleBocoupGoogleIgalia, and Mozilla in announcing the launch of Interop 2023. This is a continuation of the Compat 2021 and Interop 2022 efforts to prioritize cross-browser interoperability in areas that matter the most to web developers.

We know that cross-browser development remains one of the top pain points amongst web devs, and together with our partners we’re committed to improving the situation.

Focus areas this year include:

Some of the focus areas from last year will also be carried over, such as CSS subgrid, which the Edge team will be shipping to Chromium early this year.

To see the full list of focus areas and the browser scores for each, check out the Interop 2023 Dashboard. For more info about each focus area, see this outline.

We’re excited to be a part of this effort, and look forward to improvements in cross-browser compatibility for these important areas of the web platform.

– Dan Clark, Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft Edge

Source: Windows Blog