From the Galaxy Z Flip’s Flex mode to its handy Quick Selfie feature, the Galaxy Z Flip is as faithful a companion as people’s best friend when it comes to quickly and efficiently capturing special memories – such as those of a your favorite furry friends.

Take a look at the tips below to learn more about how the Galaxy Z Flip can help you take your everyday photography to the next level.

Capture From Each and Every Angle : Flex mode

Ever wanted to stage a solo photoshoot with your pet but struggle to capture shots hands-free without a tripod or other camera accessories? With the Galaxy Z Flip, all you need is your smartphone.

In order to easily snap adorable shots of you and your favorite companion, you can harness the Z Flip’s  folding mechanism and Flex mode to easily capture shots on a timer without the need for any accessories. Designed specifically for the Z Flip’s distinctive form factor, Flex mode splits the display evenly into two 4-inch screens when your device is freestanding so that you don’t have to compromise when capturing.

If your furry friend is being particularly unruly, all you need to do is open up your phone, select a timer setting and settle yourself down so that you can turn your attention to your beloved pet as you shoot.

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

Snap the Star of the Show on Your Terms : Live Focus

It goes without saying that when we’re taking pictures of our pets, they deserve to be front and center in each and every shot. Use healthy treats for dogs to get their attention and give after a great picture has been taken. Thanks to Live Focus on the Galaxy Z Flip, you can adjust the level of background blur as you capture. Taking a picture of your dog but notice the background is messier than desired? With Live Focus, you can ensure the focus is on the foreground in order to capture the perfect, mess-free picture.

Of course, the same logic of wanting our pets to stand out applies when taking selfies, too. Live Focus is available on both the main and front camera of the Galaxy Z Flip so that whether you’re looking to snap a quick selfie in your bedroom or record a quick video relaying a message to loved ones, you can ensure that you’re the focus of attention each and every time.

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

Record Simple Moments of Joy Seamlessly : Quick Selfie

Taking selfies with your friends – furry or otherwise! – is a great way to capture those special, everyday moments. Say you’re sharing a hilarious story with friends and want to quickly capture that moment of happiness on both faces for later – the Galaxy Z Flip has a special feature that lets you snap a picture without unfolding your device: Quick Selfie.

By simply double clicking the power button on the right hand side of the Galaxy Z Flip while it’s closed, you can open up the camera, check out your shot in the cover display and then either click the volume button or show your palm to the front camera in order to take the shot. With Quick Selfie, those simple moments of joy don’t have to remain just a memory.

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

Make the Most of Every Moment : Single Take

Our pets are unpredictable creatures – sometimes the most special, record-worthy things happen at the randomest of times. Luckily enough, the ultra-portable Galaxy Z Flip has a special feature to help you capture them as they happen without having to think twice about which mode to use.

The AI-powered Single Take feature provides you with a range of photo, video and even ‘meme’able mode choices based on just one shot of up to 15 seconds long. Say your dog is performing a cute trick; all you have to do is select Single Take, aim the camera and click record – Single Take does the rest.

Once the moment is over, you can head to the Gallery to check out your dog’s antics in all kinds of different modes and filters – Single Take will even recommend the best cuts to you based on the subject and background.

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

Curate & Capture More Easily : Dual Preview

Not only do the Galaxy Z Flip’s innovative form factor and camera help make taking photos a seamless experience, but several new device UI updates also make your photography experience as intuitive and as convenient as possible.

Bottom Preview mode lets you flip the ordering of the preview and camera control displays between the top and the bottom screens as you wish. Next time you’re trying to wrangle your furry friends into behaving as you snap a picture, you can simply double-tap the screen to enable Bottom Preview mode to bring the camera control down to the bottom screen, allowing you to hold the phone and capture shots with one hand and leaving the other hand free to control your pets.

The software update also includes Dual Preview, which showcases the camera preview screen on both the main display and the front cover display of the Galaxy Z Flip simultaneously. Trying to take a picture of a curious child who won’t look at the camera? Enable Dual Preview to engage their attention to the Z Flip’s front display and capture pictures with ease.

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

How to Take the Best Photos of Your Furry Friends with the Galaxy Z Flip

With its flexible camera and unique UI, the Galaxy Z Flip makes the perfect companion for documenting your daily life. Why not try it out with this holiday season?

Source: Samsung Mobile Blog