Hit Your Goals Faster With Recommended Workouts from Fitbit Coach

Picture this: you ran five miles yesterday wearing your Fitbit device. That was a good workout, right? Today, when you open your Fitbit app, you’ll see some workout suggestions from Fitbit Coach in the “Guidance” tab. (Fitbit Coach app users will find these suggestions in the Recommended Workouts section of their dashboard.)

These Recommended Workouts, will take your recent run into account and offer you some additional options:

  1. Because you ran, you might want to take it easy on your legs and work your abs and arms instead.
  2. Alternatively, but still because you’re a runner, you might want to double down on cardio.

Thus, Fitbit Coach offers up a fast-paced workout like Cardio Crunch. Click through to one of the workouts and you’ll be taken to the Fitbit Coach app to start sweating.

Fitbit Coach focuses on your feedback from each of your workouts—whether your goal is to Get Strong, Get Lean, Get Moving, or get a Daily Dose of fitness. And based on your input, as well as tracking what other Fitbit Coach enthusiasts like you are working on, you’ll receive suggested workouts to complement your journey.

Make the most of your customized exercise experience; the more you wear your Fitbit tracker and complete Fitbit Coach workouts, giving feedback as you normally do, the smarter the workout recommendations become. And thanks to a deep connection between the Fitbit app and the Fitbit Coach app:

  • Fitbit Coach workouts will be logged in the Fitbit app giving you credit toward your weekly exercise goal.
  • Fitbit Coach users who wear a Fitbit device equipped with PurePulse continuous heart rate tracking, such as Fitbit Blaze, Charge 2, and Ionic, during a Fitbit Coach-logged workout will see their tracked heart rate trends in the exercise summary within the Fitbit app.

This bigger picture, or holistic view, of your activity is exciting, and it’s just the beginning; you can expect to see even more relevant guidance woven throughout your fitness journey as more features are added to Fitbit Coach.

Ready to take your health and fitness journey to the next level? Go Premium to get the best of everything Fitbit Coach has to offer.


The post Hit Your Goals Faster With Recommended Workouts from Fitbit Coach appeared first on Fitbit Blog.

Hit Your Goals Faster With Recommended Workouts from Fitbit Coach

Source: Fitbit Blog