Get Strong, Fast with This Two-Dumbbell Workout

woman doing a dumbbell rowThere’s an old, meathead stereotype that makes many strength-training newbies cringe: They pick stuff up and put it down. But what if you picked up a set of reasonably heavy dumbbells and never let them go? With this don’t drop the weight, two-dumbbell sequence, you’ll perfect your form while getting firm as you seamlessly transition from one movement to the other. Get ready to train your entire body and condition in minimal time! Repeat 3 to 5 times, depending on your experience level, resting for 1 to 2 minutes between rounds.

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

woman doing a triceps kickback

Targets: Triceps

Hold two dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing inward. With your torso hinged forward and your knees slightly bent, kick your arms back. Your upper arms should be close to your torso and remain stationary throughout the movement—only your forearm should move. At the top of the movement, your arm should be fully extended. Pause at the top of the contraction, then slowly lower the dumbbell back to your starting position. Do 5-8 reps, don’t drop the weight, and continue into the next move.

Dumbbell Lunge and Curl

woman doing a dumbbell lunge and curl

Targets: Biceps and quadriceps

With palms facing forward and a dumbbell in each hang, step one foot forward and lunge. Bringing your back leg down, try to make your leading leg almost parallel with the floor. Be sure not to let your knee surpass your toes. As you lower into a lunge, curl both dumbbells up to your shoulders (making sure to keep your arms close to your side). Lower the dumbbells as you stand. Switch legs; do TK reps on each side. Then, don’t drop the weight, and continue into the next move.

Dumbbell Row

woman doing a dumbbell row

Targets: Middle back (latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, lower traps, and erector spinae)

Get into a plank position—hands under your shoulders, toes pressed into the floor, hips square, and neck and spine neutral. With a dumbbell in each hand, pull (or row) one arm back at a time. Concentrate on squeezing your back muscles rather than simply pulling with your arms. Switch arms, and repeat once on each side. Do 5-8  reps on each side, don’t drop the weight, and continue into the next move.

Looking for an added challenge? Break up your rows by doing a push-up in between. Just be sure to maintain proper form (and don’t let your hips creep up!).

Dumbbell Floor Presswoman doing a dumbbell press

Target: chest, shoulders

Lay on your back holding a dumbbell in each hand. With your grip slightly wider than shoulder width apart, angle the dumbbells about 45-degrees away from your torso and keep your elbows tucked in. Lower the dumbbells until your elbows touch the ground. Then, press back up. Do 5-8 reps, don’t drop the weight, and continue into the next move.

Standing Curtsey Lunge With Dumbbells

woman doing a curtsey lunge

Target: Glutes, abductors, adductors

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step one leg behind the other at an angle. For example, if lunging your left leg back, angle it to the right so that your thighs cross. Bend both knees and lower (as if you were curtseying). Make sure your front knee doesn’t surpass your front ankle. Do 5-8 reps.


Rest for 1 to 2 minutes. Pick up the weights, and repeat the sequence, starting again with Dumbbell Triceps Kickback.

The post Get Strong, Fast with This Two-Dumbbell Workout appeared first on Fitbit Blog.

Get Strong, Fast with This Two-Dumbbell Workout

Source: Fitbit Blog