FromSoftware are known as titans of modern game development with some of the biggest, most influential releases over the past decade. Like most developers, they began as a smaller studio and much of their earlier work is unfamiliar to the latest generation of gamers. Once such project is Metal Wolf Chaos, an eccentric mech action game released in 2004 for the original Xbox that was never available outside of FromSoftware’s home country of Japan.

Set in a near-future America, the Vice President of the United States Richard Hawk has staged a coup against President Michael Wilson and both wield their own heavily armed mechs in a battle for the country. Players will step into the executive branch shoes of President Wilson and battle across the United States against the insurgent forces led by VP Hawk. The action is as wild as the game is irreverent with outlandish quips from both Rivals and a startlingly constant reminder of your objectives from the president’s handler Jody.

Metal Wolf Chaos had always been something of legend to gamers and FromSoftware fans outside of Japan. A peculiarity from a stories developer that was hard to play due to limited availability and enormously high prices to import, Metal Wolf Chaos was mostly experienced through online videos and a smattering of screenshots from marketing promotions in Japan. Our team at Devolver Digital saw an opportunity to bring this special part of FromSoftware’s history to the rest of the world and spent two years pleading with our friends there to let us and developer General Arcade port it to modern platforms.

And then they agreed! General Arcade and FromSoftware have spent nearly two years reworking code, assets, and artwork from a 2004 Xbox game to finally bring it to the rest of the world via Xbox One. Metal Wolf Chaos XD is less of a remaster and more of a re-release of this legendary game – keeping the heart and soul (and original voiceover) intact while making sure the presentation is in 16:9 aspect ratio, 1080p, and 4K resolution (on Xbox One X), and refined controls for the Xbox One gamepad. Graphics, effects, and other visual tweaks have been made to work well on modern architecture but the game itself is a faithful restoration of one or FromSoftware’s most interesting releases.

Our combined teams can’t wait for you to enjoy Metal Wolf Chaos XD on Xbox One on August 6!

Metal Wolf Chaos XD is available for pre-order today for Xbox One on the Microsoft Store. Click here for additional pre-order details.

See the rest of the story on Xbox Wire

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Source: Xbox Blog