Endless Dungeon - Sweeper Hero Spotlight | PS5 & PS4 Games


Meet Sweeper, the station’s janitor-turned-combatant! He’s a support class hero specialized in crowd control and turrets, and a great addition to any squad.

Born poor and under-skilled on a planet that values money and talent, Sweeper’s life has been a long, hard slog. He dreamt of becoming a pilot, before having to drop out of pilot school to get a job. He was hired into So*Net as Associate Duster, and through hard work and dedication worked his way up to Mop Specialist.

Unfortunately, his latest gig was on a ship that ended up on a one-way trip to the Station… and all he wants to do now is get off, go back, and get his wings! Will you help him escape?

ENDLESS Dungeon is rogue-lite tactical action multiplayer game, and it’s available now!

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Source: Playstation YouTube