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KK Krishnakumar, SVP & CTO of Dell IT shares our top eleven lessons on IT Transformation. In this lesson, he explains that cost competitiveness is “table stakes” but what creates the sustainable value proposition is agility.
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Dell EMC IT Top Eleven Lessons on IT Transformation - Lesson 10: Don’t Let Tradition Win

Dell EMC IT Top Eleven Lessons on IT Transformation - Lesson 10: Don’t Let Tradition Win   

Dell EMC IT Top Eleven Lessons on IT Transformation - Lesson 10: Don’t Let Tradition Win

Dell EMC IT Top Eleven Lessons on IT Transformation - Lesson 10: Don’t Let Tradition Win

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Dell EMC IT Top Eleven Lessons on IT Transformation - Lesson 10: Don’t Let Tradition Win

Dell EMC IT Top Eleven Lessons on IT Transformation - Lesson 10: Don’t Let Tradition Win

Source: Dell Blog