Whether you’re a business relying on real-time data to serve customers or an individual making video calls to your colleague on the other side of the world, mobile networks are critical in keeping us connected. Reliable connectivity is key to helping businesses function and compete in an increasingly digital world. To ensure organisations have access to the connectivity that they need today and in the future, we are constantly investing in our networks to meet the demands for faster and more reliable mobile services.

We announced in August 2023 that our 3G network will be switched off in 2025, a shift that will enable us to focus our resources on 4G and 5G, and supports reducing energy usage as part of our commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Our Chief Technology Officer, Jeanie York, recently published a blog on how we’re investing £2 million each day into our mobile networks and expanding our 5G services, which already cover over half of the UK.

Virgin Media O2 Business, along with all other UK mobile operators, have agreed with Government to phase out 2G networks over the next decade. Less than 1% of our customers use 2G-only devices, and the network carries less than 0.1% of data traffic. With newer technologies in place, next year work will begin to move almost all remaining traffic away from our 2G network. Our customers and partners currently using legacy technologies will have a vastly improved experience when they move services to the newer 4G and 5G networks, with faster speeds, reduced connection times and the ability to use significantly more data for advanced applications.

Changes to our roaming services

As part of these changes, we will be withdrawing inbound roaming services on our 2G and 3G networks on 1 October 2025.

In July, we contacted all our business customers, from small enterprises to wholesale partners, to make them aware of these plans and told them that they will need to upgrade any 2G and 3G only devices, so they can maintain seamless connectivity. We’ve also made our international roaming partners aware and instructed them to work with their customers to avoid disruption.

We know some organisations purchase connectivity solutions from other providers, including SIMs from overseas operators which roam on our network. Businesses should contact their connectivity provider to ensure any machines and applications that may use roaming to connect to our network, even occasionally, are upgraded to 4G / 5G or to find alternate ways to connect before October 2025.

How organisations can check their devices

Many organisations won’t need to do anything, or notice any change since their devices are already compatible with the 4G and 5G networks. To check if a device is compatible with 4G/5G and 4G calling, also called VoLTE, we’ve published a list here under the ’Check your device’ section. There are also instructions on how to enable this functionon devices.

With other operators also switching off older networks, we recommend that all businesses – whether they’re our customers or not – undertake an audit of their device estate to determine if they have any 2G or 3G only devices that need to be upgraded or are using any SIMs that could be roaming on our network. Your connectivity provider should be able to tell you this.

Any organisation that wishes to connect to the Virgin Media O2 network, via LP-WAN* or otherwise, particularly for critical applications, should not rely on third parties who cannot guarantee service nor provide the service levels required by such applications.

Today, with 99% 4G coverage, 95% LTE-M and 5G connectivity accessible across over 50% the UK, we are well placed to support the digital needs of business now, and well into the future. As we continue investing in newer technologies, this transition ensures that our customers can access the best possible service while supporting a more sustainable and connected future for businesses and individuals alike.

Jo Bertram, Managing Director of Virgin Media O2 Business

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*LP-WAN provided by Virgin Media O2 Business is not available via all roaming partners.

The post Connecting businesses, now and into the future appeared first on Virgin Media O2.

Source: O2 Blog