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In this {code} Catalyst Spotlight we talk to Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate at Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), focused on Kubernetes-related efforts in the open source community.

Ihor is a Product Manager for Kubernetes, co-leading the Product Management Special Interest Group, focused on enhancing Kubernetes as an open source product. Besides that, he is participating in Kubernetes release process as a features lead for multiple Kubernetes releases. A Linux user since 2005 with a deep engineering background, Ihor has been responsible for projects tightly bound to the cloud computing space, containerized workloads and Linux systems.

In this interview, Ihor explains how he got started with open source, the goals of CNCF, projects that are included in the CNCF software stack, and his vision of cloud native technologies in the near future.

You can read more about Ihor Dvoretskyi here: https://thecodeteam.com/community/members/ihor-dvoretskyi/

{code} Catalyst Spotlight - Ihor Dvoretskyi

Source: Dell Blog