Born To Game – Sony's Xperia new gaming gear is coming...​

Set a reminder and watch the premiere: ​ ​

*Announcement video: Multiple language subtitles available from settings.​​​
(日本語 / English / 中文 (繁體字) / 中文 (简体字) )​​​

​​Were you born to game? Witness an evolution in player experiences for Sony’s Xperia. ​

​​​Join us for the announcement by clicking the reminder above, plus subscribe to our channel for updates and be sure to stay tuned! ​​​

​​Japan: Monday 12th Sep, 1pm ​​​
Taiwan & Hong Kong : Monday 12th Sep, 12pm ​​​​​

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​#Sony #Xperia #BornToGame​ #SonyXperia #ProductAnnouncement #MobileGaming

Source: Sony Xperia YouTube