Feeling festive? There’s no shortage of Scrooges out there happy to bemoan the onslaught of Christmassy stuff, but we’re not among them: as far as we’re concerned, it’s time to fully embrace the holiday season!

And to prove it, we’ve been releasing a series of seasonal videos starring Martin Freeman, as he stumbled into love in the run up to Christmas (with the help of our new Vodafone Passes and Pay as you go 1, of course). Fancy seeing how he fares? No problem: you can watch the whole Christmas Love Story play out in one place, right here…

Christmas Love Story Part 1: Love on the platform

When it comes to chat-up lines, warning people about their data usage is usually one to avoid. Luckily, Clare, the girl Martin chats to on the way home for Christmas has a Vodafone Video Pass, so he manages to bumble his way through affably enough to get her number…

Christmas Love Story Part 2: The first call

It’s one thing getting someone’s number, but building up the courage to call? Entirely another. Catch Martin prepping his opening gambit in part two.

Christmas Love Story Part 3: Doubt

Martin gets a grilling from his family about his new ‘girlfriend’ Clare, and they’re worried she might be a bit out of his league…

Christmas Love Story Part 4: Idiot

With the disparaging voices of his family members ringing in his hears, Martin rejects the ringing on his phone – only to later realise the error of his ways. But has he left it too late?

Christmas Love Story Part 5: Beach reunion

Time for Martin to make a grand gesture… Before all is lost! Will Clare forgive him for not calling? And will Vodafone Pay as you go 1 mean he never has an excuse not to again?

Christmas Love Story Part 6: You put it down

All’s well that ends well, with our will-they-won’t-they couple Martin and Clare finally together and chatting the night away. Who’ll hang up first? With Pay as you go 1, it doesn’t really matter!

Learn more about our cool new tools… You can find out loads more about Vodafone Passes here, and about Pay as you go 1 here.

Where to next?

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The post A Vodafone Christmas Love Story: Get festive feels with Martin Freeman appeared first on Vodafone Social.

Source: Official Vodafone Blog