A Level Results Day: A view from an apprentice

Two years on from receiving his own A Level results, Lewis Potts, 20, reflects on how his apprenticeship scheme is going.  Lewis joined as a Network Deliver Project Manager and is about to complete his apprenticeship with us.  He reflects on how it’s gone and his next steps below.

We offer a range of apprenticeships across our business, creating opportunities to join our business on paid training programmes.  Find out more about our apprenticeship scheme and how to register interest here.


Why did you choose an apprenticeship?

During my time at college, I felt the traditional way of studying didn’t suit who I was. I didn’t enjoy sitting in front of a teacher for hours at a time writing lines from textbooks. I always preferred the more practical side of my learning as I believe I learn better with a hands on approach.

How has your apprenticeship gone?

I believe my apprenticeship has gone really well. I’ve learnt a lot about not only the job role and the qualification I’m studying, but also about myself, such as how I revise and how I deal with working under pressure. It’s allowed me to become a better person overall. I also am really grateful for the support I’ve had from my line managers, colleagues and the overall future careers team – they have played a massive part in my success.

What key skills have you learned?

There are many skills I have learned, but the main ones are definitely key people skills such as talking to people in more senior positions than me. Time management has allowed me to keep the network expansion projects I’m a part of on time and in budget. But I’ve also learnt plenty of skills for myself, such as resilience to continue pushing on when coursework or the job can get tough. Another key skill for me personally would be communication. Joining Virgin Media O2 as a 18 year old, I was extremely shy but this apprenticeship. The VMO2 team have really been supportive of me and allowed me to become more confident of who I am.

What will you do once you’ve completed your apprenticeship?

Once I have completed my apprenticeship, I hope I will definitely be staying to continue my job role here at Virgin Media O2. The company and the people I work beside are incredible – I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else. I’m also interested in undertaking a slightly different role within the company, away from network expansion, to develop my skills within a different field of the business.

Any Words Of Wisdom For School Leavers?

Don’t think that the only option out there is university, because it really isn’t. Colleges may try and guide you down that path, but I 100% recommend for leavers to do there own research about apprenticeship options in the field of work they would like to get into. Almost all fields of work have the option to undertake an apprenticeship. I’m so pleased I found Virgin Media O2 and I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else – I love it here.

The post A Level Results Day 2024: Lewis’ Apprenticeship Journey So Far appeared first on Virgin Media O2.

Source: O2 Blog