Ten years ago, Samsung introduced its first Galaxy smartphone, and in the years that have followed, we have stayed dedicated to defying barriers to provide meaningful innovations that deliver value, convenience, and joy to our customers. On top of this, we have identified an opportunity to help raise awareness of the societal challenges we all face every day. This is why Samsung is expanding its commitment with the United Nations Development Programme to support the Sustainable Development Goals — also known as the Global Goals — to include Galaxy users.


Samsung believes that a crucial first step in the journey to tackling the Goals is to increase understanding and raise awareness of the challenges the Goals stand for. In order to do so, Samsung has created simple ways to help people worldwide address the issues that matter to them.


Read on for a comprehensive guide to the Samsung Global Goals campaign and learn how you can join the campaign.



Grow Your Awareness with the Samsung Global Goals App

Once you’ve downloaded the app1 from the Galaxy Store or Google Play, you will be met with the app’s Updates page. This home page is a place for you to learn about the Goals and how people around the world are working to achieve them.


The Global Goals app follows Samsung’s affirmation that the first step to enacting real societal change is through spreading awareness, so by clicking the ‘Learn more’ button or the Goals tab at the bottom of the app, you can find a comprehensive and dedicated guide to each of the 17 Global Goals agreed upon by world leaders.


Each Goal’s page comes with a comprehensive explanation of what the Goal addresses, as well as key facts and figures to grow your understanding of the challenges this Goal intends to mitigate.


Samsung Global Goals Campaign How-to Guide: How to Address the Issues That Matter Most to You


Once you’ve thoroughly explored each of the 17 Goals on the app, if you would like to donate directly to the campaign, you can follow a link on the app’s homepage to make an easy one-off or monthly donation. You can even make a donation in someone’s honor or dedicate a contribution to a loved one’s memory, if you wish.


Samsung Global Goals Campaign How-to Guide: How to Address the Issues That Matter Most to You


Another way you can support the campaign with the Global Goals app is by engaging ads. The Updates tab of the app will present you with ads you can engage with; tapping on these ads will generate revenue for the Global Goals that you can then donate to the Goal of your choice in the Donate tab of the app.


Samsung Global Goals Campaign How-to Guide: How to Address the Issues That Matter Most to You


While exploring the Updates page, you will also come across the option to receive ads on your lock screen while your device is charging; tapping these ads will generate even more money. Select ‘Turn on’ to opt in; you are able to easily toggle this option on and off at any time in the Settings tab of the app.


Samsung Global Goals Campaign How-to Guide: How to Address the Issues That Matter Most to You


The Donate tab not only shows the money you have earned and donated, but also keeps you connected to the donation history of all Samsung Global Goals users around the world.


To learn more about the Samsung Global Goals, visit https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/samsung-global-goals/



1The Samsung Global Goals app will come pre-loaded on Galaxy Note10 and depending on the users’ market, will be available for download on the Galaxy S8, Galaxy Note8, Galaxy S9, Galaxy Note9, and Galaxy S10 through Galaxy Store and Google Play starting from Aug 23, 2019.

Source: Samsung Mobile Blog